I am revisiting this tea today, having one more pot of it, so that I can send the rest to my SororiTea Sister.
Today it tastes a little “stiffer” … a little more astringent, not quite as seamless between the tea and bergamot. It isn’t quite as smooth as I remember yesterday’s cup tasting, I can even taste some bitterness, and I used the exact same parameters as yesterday.
However, I did just brush my teeth, which has everything to do with it. In a mouth with less residual zesty peppermint I suspect that this would be every bit as stunning as it was yesterday. So, if you’ve just brushed your teeth and are about to sip on this tea, I suggest that you drink a glass of water first to cleanse the palate of the left-over toothpaste taste.
Ooooo…a Crazy Intense Earl Grey!
Sounds like it is right up my alley:)