Another SoccerMom Tea, YAY!
Pre-Infusion Smell/Dry Loose Leaf:
Smells like Vanilla, Apricot, and a hint of chocolate…which is interesting because I don’t think 2 out of those 3 are even in there! But it smells really nice! I also sniff a slight cookie or pastry speck of something in there as well! YUM!
While it’s infusing I can smell a little caramel, a little vanilla, a little grenadine, and of course, black tea aroma.
After infusing the wet leaves smell like a candied-wood if you can imagine that. The liquid itself – grenadine and black tea.
It’s a handsome medium-dark brown color.
Much of the actual ingredients seem to play nice with each other and there isn’t another that seems to be too over the top…altho I can taste the grenadine a bit more than the others, but it’s sweet and juicy and a great contribution to the flavor instead of being distracting.
I really like this one. Since I was very low on black and flavored black teas – this is going to be PERFECT for mornings and mid-mornings when I am looking for my black and black flavors! YAY! A great tasting cup! It’s been a wonderful tea day thus far!!!!
The second infusion of this tea is so much better than the first. Much of the astringency is gone. It’s not so tannic. The flavors really come through now.