2017 EoT Jingdong Ancient Wild

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Bitter, Watery, Astringent, Bitter Melon, Citrus Zest, Herbaceous, Tobacco, Vegetal, Dark Bittersweet, Fruity, Smoke, Cherry, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 8 g 4 oz / 130 ml

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Playful bitterness. Bitter can be angry, but this isn’t that. Super wet. Not the most concentrated liquor; I was tempted to stuff in more leaves, but the water was already barely covering them....” Read full tasting note
  • “I dont even know how to review this: God: Haha this will totally mess with their heads (removes all the wild tea trees around Jingdong) Angel Gabriel: I hope you’re going to replace th…. oh...” Read full tasting note
  • “Bitter-sweet and very fruity ith a longlasting aftertaste like berrys and nice, decent Qi. Later on the bitterness turns down and becomes more sweet, like tart sour cheryys. You get really much for...” Read full tasting note

From The Essence of Tea

A new find for us this year. We’d tasted some wild tea from this area last Autumn and asked a friend of ours from this area to look around and see what she could find for us this Spring.
This tea is strong, it has an underlying bitterness that’s a bit tamer than our Kunlu wild tea, but the energy is just as strong. For some this will be a bit too strong, but for those who like this style of tea it’s something special.

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3 Tasting Notes

392 tasting notes

Playful bitterness. Bitter can be angry, but this isn’t that. Super wet.

Not the most concentrated liquor; I was tempted to stuff in more leaves, but the water was already barely covering them. Maybe they are a little dry? I started pushing steeps longer to try to compensate.

I steeped the hell outta this and never arrived at the sour-sweet cherries or any other promised bits. Watered out and away. Feels like something could be wrong.

derk, thank you, and have you had this recently? Maybe I should try adding a humidity button to the other 3g?

Flavors: Bitter, Watery


Oh no :( Haven’t had it for several years, though it’s one of only a few cakes stored in its original bag. I’ll sample soon, and in the meantime, take it out of the bag.


How are you storing otherwise?


Cakes are piled in a couple of stoneware crocks with some terra cotta what are they called… saucers used as lids that I intermittently dampen with distilled water. Have the crocks sitting in front of my sliding glass door so they get sun-warmed.


Cool, I’m starting in a crock-wise direction down here, too. I’ll be interested to hear how you find this one.

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338 tasting notes

I dont even know how to review this:

God: Haha this will totally mess with their heads (removes all the wild tea trees around Jingdong)

Angel Gabriel: I hope you’re going to replace th…. oh my.

Angel Raziel: Thats throat numbing spray.

God: Dont worry lads, there’s a bit of huigan in it.

Flavors: Bitter, Dark Bittersweet, Fruity, Smoke, Tobacco


Ordered a sample just earlier today :)


it tastes like its got age on it already. Strongly deep bitter flavours


Looking forward to it. I’ve mostly preferred older shengs so far and am just starting to appreciate the younger stuff.


This sounds like an fascinating tea. Are you still in Singapore?


Haven’t left yet! Going in a few weeks


When are you going to Singapore, and how long will you be there? I might be able to introduce you to do a pu-head friend there.


in a few weeks – i’ll pm you

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127 tasting notes

Bitter-sweet and very fruity ith a longlasting aftertaste like berrys and nice, decent Qi. Later on the bitterness turns down and becomes more sweet, like tart sour cheryys. You get really much for your money!
Images and more at https://puerh.blog/teanotes/2017-jingdong-ancient-wild-eot

Flavors: Bitter, Cherry, Fruity, Sweet

8 g 3 OZ / 80 ML

I have this one in my cart. Nice to see some notes before I get one.


It’s really worth the money if you enjoy strong and bold puerhs with a wild profile. Not as hardcore as the Kunlu Bitter but more faceted flavors. Really enjoy this one.


Indeed I do. Kunlu, Bulang, Mang Fei are some of my favorites. I like to be smacked around by a tea.


I am considering this one, too. I did a blind buy on the 2016 kunlu bitter. It’s one of the most interesting teas in my collection.


omg. the bitterness on this one is pretty hardcore


Literally its making my throat numb and feels like its closing. ouf


Woot? Ok, there’s some nice and strong bitterness, but not as strong as the Kunlu Wild … be prepared ;-)


Haha, well i didnt get as much fruit as the terre de ciel kunlu, it has been a bitter-fest all the way, but its a deep bitter, not tangy, hard to explain. I might try with lower temps next time


What the 2016 EOT kunlu has gotten by for it is body feel and qi. Of course there is wonderfully deep bitterness that rings in the mouth, but what it does to my body is remarkable. The qi (essence) travels to unexpected parts of the body and lingers there like a heat pack for hours.


i’m chasing the juicy huigan of the TDC Kunlu. I’m not that bothered about Qi unless its too stimulating and then i dont like it


@Alexander – I am not getting anywhere near the bitterness I got with the kunlu than I did with this one. I have knocked 5c off the temp to 85 in preparation but I cant taste much bitterness at all.

Maybe I hit this Jingdong too hot by accident, although I havent ever done that before. It was waaaay bitter


@ranluwils: True, there is some very nice Qi with the Kunlu, like it was on the 2016er EoT Kunlu, too. Love it!
@Rasseru: Really? This is quite strange – I usually prepare Sheng this young the same way (8g to 80 ml and about 85-90 °C temperature) and the Kunlu has been always more bitter than the Jingdong. Let me know how the next sessions with those two work out!


yeah I will do. I’ll finish the samples properly, got another 2 sessions of each. Yeah i’m about the same specs. Maybe i’m used to the kunlu bitter as i’ve had a lot more of that type & my tongue is new to the jingdong. I dont know. interesting though, it was quite a noticeable difference. Also shows how different peoples tastes can be, especially with crazy sheng flavours


some of these tastes are sometimes way past the fringes of what normal people consider to be nice tasting, Its like the wild west of taste, haha


yeah, like Puerh itself is “acquired taste”, so are those very bitter Shengs (more so since you have to “acquire after you’ve acquired”) ;-)

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