First off, thank you Terri Harplady for swapping with me. It is my suspicion Ms Theresa was out of the room while little Terri stuffed the box. My lands Terri you doubled the number of teas I have. I won’t tell Ms Theresa if you don’t.
I started sorting the box to decide which teas to drink first. My plan was to begin the assault with green teas as I think they age quickest. But then, I spotted an Earl Grey and all reason went out the window. Must drink Earl Grey.
This is a nice one. The level of bergamot is about the same intensity as Twinings but since this uses actual oil of bergamot it is far more complex and less biting. The base tea is extremely smooth when hot. As it cools it picks up some briskness and a little drying. A satisfying cup for Earl Grey enthusiasts and Star Ship Captains everywhere.
Earl Grey hot. Make it so Number One. Engage. Sorry, I’ll stop now. Live long and prosper.
“Make it so Number One. Engage.” <3 <3 <3
Ooooo, sounds like an exciting box! Enjoy!
Don’t you love ooh-look-what’s-in-the-mail days? Wrong series, I know, but you’ve got me craving Deep Space Nine. I have a thing for Odo.
Yes, love good mail days! I used to watch DS9 all the time. Quark amused me. I thought DS9 was far better than TNG. I liked Picard but in general I thought TNG tried to hard to be bigger and better.
Yay! So glad you like this one!
I was a fan of ALL the star trek shows!
Tribbles crossover and (hubby’s favorite) Vic in the holosuite—what’s not to like?
When TNG did the simple relationship shows I enjoyed them – one of my favorites being when Picard returned to earth to visit his brother on his orchard. They were living the simple life free of technology but they still used all kinds of gadgets we can only imagine.
As enjoyable as this discussion is – I’m an original cast Star Trek fan myself – on behalf of the Devotea, can we engage warp speed to the next tasting note? We can’t wait to hear what you think!
Scotty we need warp drive online now. Captain, I’m giving it all she’s got.
I have some Lady Grey that will be coming up soon.