Award Winning Organic Superfine Dragon Well Long Jing Green Tea

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Green Tea
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From Teavivre

Qiandao Lake, Chun’an County, Hangzhou City,

Zhejiang Province, China

Spring Tea

Harvest Date:

April 15, 2024

Dry Leaf:
Flattened tea leaves, with one bud and one or two leaves,

covered with fuzzy hairs

Floral, chestnut, stir-fried bean aroma

Yellowish green

Smooth and mellow, brisk and highly refreshing,

quick sweet aftertaste

Tea Bush:
C. sinensis cv. Jiukeng

Tea Garden:
Qiandao Lake Organic Tea Garden

Low caffeine (less than 10% of a cup of coffee)

Store in airtight, opaque packaging; keep refrigerated

Shelf Life:
18 Months

Angel’s Comment:
A quality organic tea with a beautiful shape and a delicate sweet taste. Enjoy this Long Jing tea every day to feel relaxed and refreshed.

The Golden Leaf Awards (Australia)
golden leaf award GOLD WINNER 2023
Green Tea GR003: Single Origin China category.

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1 Tasting Note

208 tasting notes

I had won a giveaway a few weeks ago on IG. I never try to enter giveaways on the account I hardly win anything. One reason the lottery goes out of my mind…I lose more than I give. Ha-ha. However, in this case, I did win a few of Teavivre’s 2024 Green Tea samples. This was the first I tried of the bunch. I meant to record and edit a video for my YT channel, but I wasn’t in the mood. I sat at a baseball game for 4 hours yesterday and have developed a bright red (burnt) face and arms.

I brewed this at 185F for 2 minutes as the packet noted. I noted, “bitter greens, astringent, spinach, nutty (walnuts?), and savory.” I attempted a second (4 minute) infusion, but the leaf hardly tasted of anything. This isn’t the most expensive Dragon Well, but it’s not cheap. If I paid for the leaf, I’d’ve been slightly disappointed in the longevity.


That’s disappointing. I remember liking Teavivre’s Superfine Dragonwell many years ago when I got it as a gift. I think it responds best to grandpa brewing.


I’ll have to try that method any time I drink Long Jing. I know it’s usually the preferred method, but I based this session on the packet.

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