Assam, Dekorai Estate, FTGFOP1

Tea type
Black Tea
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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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  • “This has the typical malty Assam taste, a bit tart, and I think the description of “berry-ish” is apt. At the same time, I didn’t find this matched in enjoyment my memory of other Assams I’ve...” Read full tasting note

From TeaSource

This black tea is composed of small wiry leaves, with a pronounced sweet (berryish?) note to the aroma. It steeps up with a decided malty edge and lighter complex sweet notes in the background.

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1 Tasting Note

108 tasting notes

This has the typical malty Assam taste, a bit tart, and I think the description of “berry-ish” is apt. At the same time, I didn’t find this matched in enjoyment my memory of other Assams I’ve tried. (Gingia Estate from TeaSource and the Meleng Estate “Assam Melody” from Adagio.) Those were just somehow… smoother, more mellow as best I can remember. My aunt thought this one a “nice” tea, and even asked for more. But I didn’t feel inclined to brew up pots more of it like I did with the Selim Hill Darjeeling a couple of days ago.

Edit: I tried the last of my Adagio Assam Melody (Meleng Estate) today, and it confirms my memory that it’s better—more of a “self-drinker” that works even without a drenching of milk.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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