I’m blatantly disregarding my “don’t open unopened tea packets in July and August” rule…it’s been a long, weary week and I need a little treat. When I picked this up some months ago, I hoped it would be a doppelganger for CuppaGeek Lemon Swirl (liquid lemon meringue pie).
It isn’t. But that’s not a bad “it isn’t,” just a different one. Both dry and steeped, the cream and yogurt leads the lineup, but it’s more of a Carnation Condensed Milk cream instead of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk cream. The green tea shows up next; pleasantly vegetal but not bitter, and then you get the lemon. Really just a hint in the background.
For truth in advertising purposes, I would’ve had to call it Cream Green Lemon, but then that doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, does it?
I might try the next cup with a little milk to see if that changes the balance a bit.
Cuppageek Lemon Swirl is da bomb.
(sigh) Yeah.
Sometimes you just need to open a new tea and try something new. (:
Amen. My synapses were in need of a diversion!