Bangwai Gushu 2022

Tea type
Dark/heicha Pu'erh Pu'erh (sheng) Blend
Pu Erh Tea, Pu Erh Tea Leaves
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From Teamania

Another classic from Tea Master Panda. A wonderful tea from Bangwai which is made of high quality gushu material and pressed to pu-erh cakes in Yang Ming’s manufactory. The traditional handmade processing and the conscientious selection of the tea leaves contributes to the high quality. Pu-erh teas from Bangwai are available every year only in very small and limited quantities and are therefore sought after by collectors. This tea is ideal for long-term storage and develops more and especially more complex aromas.

Harvest: Spring 2022
Pressed: 2022
Typ: Sheng
Aroma: Spicy, much Cha Qi and sweet finish
Terroir: Bangwai, Lancang prefecture, Yunnan province, China
Bangwai Gushu 2022

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