Tea type
Black Tea
Bergamot, Black Tea, Lavender Flowers, Rose Petals
Bergamot, Lavender, Malt, Rose, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by TeaNecromancer
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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From Susan Branch Private Blend

A FINE ROMANCE Lavender Earl Grey Tea: Susan’s own private blend, the one she wrote about in her newest book A FINE ROMANCE ~ Falling in Love with the English Countryside; the tea she traveled across the ocean with, tucked in her bag aboard the Queen Mary 2. This is her “4 o’clock tea,” “almost a dessert,” a tea she says is perfect with a good book or the newest issue of British Country Living Magazine. She likes hers with a spoonful of honey and a splash of half and half, but it’s lovely alone, or with sugar and milk, or even with a squeeze of lemon. A rich black tea with flavors of Bergamot, lavender buds and rose petals. The six-ounce bag, alone, $16.99
(We also have the “Come. Sit. Stay.” Tea Tin available without tea for $11.99)
HOW TO MAKE A PERFECT CUP OF TEA: Put one rounded spoonful of loose tea into a tea ball, one of our mesh tea-infuser spoons, or into the mesh basket that comes with some of our tea mugs. Pour over freshly boiled water. Allow the tea to steep from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on how strong you like your tea. Your choice of accompaniments include honey, sugar, lemon, half and half, or milk. Cookies are good too. A Tea Cake like Susan’s Milk Cake (from her new book A FINE ROMANCE) makes it a tea party. ♥

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1 Tasting Note

921 tasting notes

Happy day after the first day of Summer everyone, even if that was an incredibly awkward greeting! I spent most of my solstice hiding from the heat and sun in the basement (like I do) and sipping tea (also like I do). I did come out for a brief date with Ben in the backyard, and by date I mean we turned on the sprinkler and played in it, along with having a hose vs sprinkler fight. He was armed with the hose and won, but considering I got soaked and cooled off I think it is more of a tie.

Today’s tea is Susan Branch Private Blend Tea, A Fine Romance, which is a blend of Earl Grey Tea, Lavender Buds, and Rose Petals. Even though those are two of my favorite flowers to have in tea, what really sold my British self (well, half self since I am only half a Brit) is the Corgi in a crown on the packaging. The aroma is quite like a summer bouquet of roses (specifically it reminds me of the English Rose perfume I was much enamored of as a kid) with relaxing notes of lavender, bright citrus notes, and a finish of slightly sweet malt.

Once the leaves and petals have had a nice hot bath, the wet leaves have a much more brisk aroma. It smells more like tea with flowers than flowers with a touch of tea. In the dry leaves the roses were strongest, but now they are well balanced with the other ingredients. Luckily the bergamot is not too strong, which is good because too strong makes me scared. The liquid without its leafy friends is quite rich with strong notes of malt and vanilla, and more subtle notes of flowers.

The description on the website says this tea is great with additives, but I decided to try it straight first. First sip in, I really do not think this tea needs sugar or cream, it is rich and sweet enough on its own. In my mouth there is a great dance of roses, lavender, malt, and mild bergamot, each one well balanced and accenting each other in harmony. The taste is pretty rich while also being mild, it seems like a bit of a contradiction, but the floral aspects make it rich, the black tea base is subtle. I like this tea, it would be a great tea for tea parties or an afternoon sip in the garden.

For photos and Blog: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2014/06/susan-branch-private-blend-tea-fine.html

Flavors: Bergamot, Lavender, Malt, Rose, Vanilla

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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