I’ve been reading a lot about other steepsterites doing chai in the traditional way, and I had some Masala Chai I hadn’t tried yet, so hey – perfect!
The scent of the leaves was pop-you-in the face amazing. Very, very spicy, very strong. Yum! I love strong flavors, strong spices, and this looked to be a good experiment.
Boiled the leaf, added the milk, let it rest, all the while almost wanting to lick the air because it smelled so good. Then, finally, it was done, and it was time to drink.
Warm, creamy, sweet milk with.. um.. hey! Where’d my chai go?
I must have not added enough chai, because while it was very tasty, it was a very wussy taste. I think of Chai as powerful and strong, and the leaves smelled that way. So I’m leaving off the rating until I try it again. (I used Lena’s recipes from here http://steepster.com/discuss/25-chai which said 2 heaping spoons. I added 2.5 heaping teaspoons. Should that be tablespoons? I always think of tea in teaspoons, so I may have flubbed this. Any suggestions?)
I would try increasing it by one heaping teaspoon each time you make it until you get it to your taste. If it was really weak, maybe start with two :)
I guess it all depends on the strength of the chai you are working with. I usually keep the ratios relatively equal. If it’s still not strong enough switch to tablespoons! :)