Dongting Biluochun

Tea type
Green Tea
Not available
Green, Green Beans, Peas, Snow Peas, Sugarcane, Asparagus, Butter, Floral, Grass, Honey, Kale, Mineral, Nuts, Pear, Thick, Vegetal
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Leafhopper
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C

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From Sipscollection

Biluochun is a very famous Chinese green tea that originates from the Dongting Mountain region in Suzhou, Jiangsu. The finished tea’s iconic snail-shaped buds and leaves along with its bright, floral, and refreshing flavour profile has made it one of the most sought after green teas in China and across the world.

This Dongting Biluochun we have here comes from Biluo village itself, with the tea farm being located up the mountain from the village. This tea is more of an easy-drinker, with lighter floral and airy notes that fill your mouth. It’s texture, albeit slightly puckering at first, evolves into juiciness as you continue drinking the tea. In China, this Biluochun is classified as “特级”, or “special grade”, but I’d rather you try the tea yourself and let it do the talking instead.

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2 Tasting Notes

1723 tasting notes

Nice green tea from Leafhopper with just the right amount of L-Theanine to releive headaches. In terms of taste, it’s got more similiarity to a white needle green tea that some other Bi Lo Chuns I’ve had, and it’s smoother too. I mostly got green peas, sugar snap peas, fresh regular green beans, nuttyness, and a little bit of sweetness. I tumbler styled a light amount of these fury leaves. It only brewed well once and didn’t last past the second grandpa style, but a lighter green tea is honestly what I like more, so I’m not complaining too much.

Overall, easy for me to like and has enough sweetness to let people get into it that aren’t a fan of super spinachy green teas. Only fresh greens in this teas profile.

Flavors: Green, Green Beans, Peas, Snow Peas, Sugarcane

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435 tasting notes

After the great pre-Qinming Teavivre Bi Luo Chun I enjoyed earlier this year, I wanted to try something a bit more moderately priced. This Bi Luo Chun seemed like a good option to get me over the free shipping threshold. I steeped 4 g of leaf in a 120 ml teapot using 185F water for 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, and 240 seconds. These parameters don’t match the ones given by the vendor because I have issues with bitterness when steeping greens for a longer time. I also bowl steeped 3 g of leaf in 250 ml of water at 185F, starting at 2.5 minutes and refilling as necessary.

These fuzzy little curls are very pretty! The dry aroma is of beans, asparagus, butter, and florals. The first steep has notes of beans, asparagus, butter, grass, florals, and nuts, and the body is thick and fuzzy. It has a strange honey/asparagus aftertaste. The next steep has more spring flowers and something I’ll call pear, but also more asparagus and bitter veggies. The next couple steeps have a good balance of beans, asparagus, nuts, kale, and grass, with some nice florality. The final steeps are more grassy and vegetal, but bitterness is still kept at a minimum.

Bowl steeped, the tea seems more beany and nutty, with the asparagus, florals, and grass emerging in later steeps. The tea becomes grassy and mineral near the end of the session, though the bitterness never gets out of hand.

This is a nice Bi Luo Chun that I didn’t find as compelling as the one from Teavivre. Maybe that one was higher quality, or maybe it seemed better because I drank it when it was fresh. Either way, this is a floral, refreshing BLC that never got too bitter and was pleasant to drink in this warm weather.

Flavors: Asparagus, Butter, Floral, Grass, Green Beans, Honey, Kale, Mineral, Nuts, Pear, Thick, Vegetal

185 °F / 85 °C

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