
Tea type
Green Tea
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Grass, Nutty, Toasty, Vegetal
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Edit tea info Last updated by Crowkettle
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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From Silk Road

Tea of Contemplation

flavour profile: a jade coloured tea with a prized, mellow, lightly nutty taste
ingredients: Chinese green tea

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5 Tasting Notes

1445 tasting notes

This was my second time exploring Dragonwell. I’m somewhat of a lost cause when it comes to distinguishing and describing minor tastes differences but, surprisingly, I can, a bit, here. Where my other Dragonwell was absurdly buttery this one has almost a light roasted appeal. That’s not to say it doesn’t have buttery qualities but they are not overly exaggerated and more in a nut oil sense instead of a “melting leaf” fashion. It has a fuller body flavour which is pleasant in its own right.

I over-steeped this cup by a few seconds so there is some slight astringency but it still tastes rather fine. This kind of tea is so smooth that I can loose track of time and still get a drinkable cup, as long as the water isn’t too hot.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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16975 tasting notes

Sipdown (486)!

Finished this one off early in the afternoon along with the first chapters of a new book. This one was a sipdown that felt good; green tea isn’t usually my jam so finishing off a small tin of if definitely feels like an accomplishment.

Flavour wise, it was fine. Nothing different from what I’ve experienced from it the last few months so I’ve got to praise the consistency. That said, I think I just wasn’t in the mood for green tea today because it took me forever to finish the mug. Not because I was distracted or anything, but just because I didn’t feel overly compelled to to take that next sip. There was no ‘draw’…

So mixed experience today overall.

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