This one was completely different from what I thought it would taste like, however it is really good! For some reason, I was thinking a little darker, more roasted or possibly close to some of the Oriental Beauty that I’ve had. This is not the case here.
Both the dry and infused leaves did not change in its consistency of fresh cut spring grass and wild onions. There is a certain bothiness to the liquid that is full and satisfying. It is very easy to sip this tea, with its smooth green tea-like qualities that ends the mouth with a touch of sweetness.
I found the leaves to be of excellent quality and completely enjoyed watching the leaves unfurl a little after each infusion. This tea is perfect for experiencing with a gaiwan!
There is a small, I mean very small amount of astringency detected if the water temp is much above 185 °F, however I tried it closer to boil and found it still pleasant – not offensively overpowering. No matter the steep time or water temp, the tea was found to be very forgiving – which is uncommon with most greener oolongs. They can be quite cantankerous, and refuse to be nice or sweet if not given their cooler pool of water.
Great job, as I’m finding is usual, to Thomas and the team at Siam Tee Shop with this one! Very nice greener oolong!