Tasting note #2,000!! Is it possible I love tea even more now? My love for tea will never die. :D And it’s a good one for the 2,000 tasting note… even though I steeped this one up a couple months ago and it was a completely different tea…
Thanks for some of this with the Harney order a while ago, Nicole! I’ve only tried a few Jin Jun Mei’s but I’m used to seeing more gold in the leaves. These are pure black medium sized and medium length leaves. The flavor with two teaspoons is like a chewy pumpernickel bread. It seems a little like Laoshan black, but much deeper. It has the malty honey molasses quality to go along with that depth. Sweet with a brisk bright flavor too. This tea has many layers to it! Very delicious, but I don’t think it needed two teaspoons. It’s not overleafed too much, but a teaspoon and a half might be better. The second steep was delicious as well.
Steep #1 // 2 teaspoons for a full mug// 10 minutes after boiling // 2 1/2 minute steep
Steep #2 // few minutes after boiling // 3-4 minute steep
Congratulations! Impressive and a heck of a lot of tea sipped. Good for you! :-D
Congrats!! Cheers to tea :)
Thanks to everyone who has read a few of these tasting notes. :D