I’m not always excited to try “decaffeinated” teas. I’m not usually thrilled to try naturally caffeine free tisanes either, but if given a choice between the two, I’d probably choose a caffeine free tisane over a decaffeinated tea. I had several bad experiences many years ago with decaffeinated teas, and that horrible chemical-y aftertaste continues to offer a lingering “ghost” of a flavor on my palate when I think of decaffeinated teas. It’s all in my head, of course, but, it’s difficult to get past those bad episodes.
That said, this was a decent tea! It doesn’t have that chemical-y, weird, off decaffeinated flavor that I remember from my previous decaffeinated experiences. It has a light, refreshing flavor. It is slightly “thinner” than a caffeinated green tea. But this thinness does not create an unpleasant cup. It’s quite nice.
Here’s my full-length review: