Absolute Spearmint

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Flavouring, Oolong, Spearmint
Green, Smooth, Spearmint, Sweet, Thick, Ginger
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec 14 oz / 413 ml

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From RiverTea

Experience the refreshing sensation of high mountain tops snow and blowing wind with a nice cup of Absolute Spearmint Oolong Tea. This premium oolong blend gives you a zingy boost with the cooling sensation of spearmint. This tea is known to increase mental focus and stimulate your senses. Its enlivening flavor makes it ideal for a summer drinking tea to give you a cup of freshness, it also makes an intensely refreshing iced tea, not to mention the multiple health benefits oolong brings to your body.

Ingredients: Oolong Tea, Crisped Mint leaves, Spearmint flavouring

70°C/158°F 1 tsp 2-4 min

See more at: http://www.rivertea.com/absolute-spearmint-oolong-tea#sthash.GYBLYEaI.dpuf

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15 Tasting Notes

16950 tasting notes

So if you’re going to be alternating between a cup of black tea and a super light, fruity oolong you probably want a palate cleanser between sips. For me that’s where this one comes in; it’s absolutely my favourite palate cleansing tea and it also just tastes super good too!

It’s fresh and minty and breezy, like chewing on a piece of Spearmint Gum and then inhaling a large mouthful of crisp outdoor air. Your mouth gets all tingly but in a really good way. Mmm!

Flavors: Spearmint


So you’re drinking three teas at one time? My mind is blown… a little

Roswell Strange

Yup, three at once. That’s nothing though; on my days off when I have time I do four 12 oz. mugs of tea and a matcha soda/cup of matcha milk/mason jar of something cold brewed.

Sami Kelsh

Wowzers. I can’t handle more than 2 at a time!

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1473 tasting notes

Managed to get half a cup of this before demon child, aka JiJi, knocked it over XD. Ah well, that’s what the second steep is for, right?

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4330 tasting notes

Another one from Roswell Strange. I didn’t look at this tea very closely, so I thought it was a spearmint gunpowder green tea. Imagine my surprise when I opened the bag to make some, and discovered it’s actually a rolled green oolong! In my opinion, that makes it about five times more interesting. Dry scent is mild and sweet spearmint.

The steeped tea has a mild spearmint smell, but I can also smell the oolong underneath. The spearmint is also fairly mild in the taste, which is very nice, as I find that strong spearmint teas remind me of chewing gum. The oolong base contributes and thick and silky mouthfeel and a little bit of “green” flavor. Happily for me, it’s not an overly flower oolong. Pretty tasty!

Flavors: Green, Smooth, Spearmint, Sweet, Thick

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I bet I would like this

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253 tasting notes

Marco Lewis TTB

I can’t really give this a real numerical rating because I’ve come to dislike flavored teas lately. This is Spearmint flavored oolong but I taste all spearmint and no oolong. I feel like I could have just drank actual spearmint instead, y’know? That being said it does have a nice minty flavor with a hint of ginger in there.

Flavors: Ginger, Spearmint

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987 tasting notes

Another sample from aisling of tea‘s amazing bottomless cupboard! Also, this was oolong #2 on today’s oolong journey.

I followed the steeping instructions provided on my sample: 1 tsp for 8 oz of water, 70°C, for 3-4 minutes. The liquor was a nice pale yellow and it did smell of mint.

However, something about it tasted off. Perhaps I didn’t rinse my metal infuser thoroughly enough to remove all the traces of soap. But there was an undeniable, weird, almost acid-like taste on the edges of my tongue when I drank this. I’m not sure what caused it, but this blend didn’t do much for me. I finished off my cup, and even tried making a second infusion to see if that would change things, but that one tasted equally weird. I ended up pouring the second cup down the drain after a few sips.

There are still a few spoonfuls of the leaf left. Perhaps I will make a big pot of it all so I can finish off the remaining leaf.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

If you ever find that you haven’t gotten around to finishing this one and don’t want to, I’d be happy to take it off your hands sometime. But I know you’ve hit the hold button on swaps for a while so no pressure!

Christina / BooksandTea

That would be great, keychange! Let me see if I can get a few more sipdowns done, and then we can arrange something?


Oh yeah, take your time. The great thing about steepster is that we’re all ok with one another being slow to get around to sip downs and swaps, so absolutely no pressure at all :D.

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