
Tea type
Fruit Honeybush Blend
Honeybush, Jasmine Flowers, Natural Flavours, Papaya, Raspberry, Sunflower Petals
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Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
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Edit tea info Last updated by Pyroxy
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 9 oz / 275 ml

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11 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So we recently went through our tea stash and set aside all the teas we didn’t like or we were just “meh” about. It has been kinda nice to go to our tea-filled expedit and know that whatever I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This sample came with my first RiverTea order. It was another I’d considered while putting my order together, and another I finally decided against as I was trying to limit myself a little. My...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was a sample included with my RiverTea order. Once again, I don’t always do well with citrus, and this is no exception. I’m finding it to be more grapefruit than strawberry. The honeybush...” Read full tasting note
  • “dexter sent me this one off my wishlist and i proooobably should have cold brewed it. but i was really excited to have more non caffeine teas in my i totally read the label as SUPER...” Read full tasting note

From RiverTea

Everyone should feel like a superstar every now and then and that’s exactly how you’ll feel with each sip of this Honeybush blend that will put you in the spotlight with its glowing health benefits and delicious taste. The sweet dripping of Honeybush gives this herbal tea a sugary, upbeat flavor to start your day with passion and drive. The punchy flavors of grapefruit and strawberry put a tarty sweetness in the mix to give you a fruity, revitalizing kick. Also, Honeybush is known to be rich in vitamins and has antiviral properties to stop illnesses in their tracks so nothing can stand in your way.

Ingredients: Honeybush Tea, Rose blossom leaves, Sunflower blossoms, Papaya bits, Raspberry bits, Flavouring, Natural flavouring, Jasmine blossoms.

100°C/212°F 1 tsp 5-8 min

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11 Tasting Notes

1473 tasting notes

So we recently went through our tea stash and set aside all the teas we didn’t like or we were just “meh” about. It has been kinda nice to go to our tea-filled expedit and know that whatever I grab, I’ll enjoy. I don’t have to force myself to sip down something I don’t like, I can enjoy the teas I love.

This is one of them. I love the strawberry and the grapefruit. It’s caffeine free, which is great tonight, because I am exhausted and I need to be able to sleep tonight.

All in all, this is a hit for me.


WANT! Both the tea and an Expedit for my tea.


It’s 2 blocks by 4 blocks, and 6 of the blocks have two drawers. One block is just perfect/nordic mugs, and the last block is whatever doesn’t fit in the others. Every block is full to the brim, and that doesn’t even take into account the other 2×4 expedit full of teapots >.<


Hah wow! That is a lot of tea and tea wares. I could probably fill a 2×2 Expedit quite easily, and keep all my tea ware (aside from cups & mugs) on top. Some day I need to get a china cabinet for displaying all of my tea cups, which have been in storage for at least a decade.

Alas, it looks like we’re going to have to move soon, since I just can’t handle paying this much for an apartment that can’t even provide consistent heat in the winter and cold running water ever. So no more furniture buying until we get a new place.


I’ve done the same thing, only with 2 doors instead of drawers lol


Sil, we have a door on our teaware expedit, it’s our Teadis. It has a flashing blue light on top with our TARDIS teapot and says “POLICE BOX” on the front and the door has the “pull to open” sign.

We are ridiculous.

Anlina, I so feel your pain. We could not wait to get out of our last place. Good luck finding a place! We were house hunting around this time last year, so happy to be settled.


Hahaha that sounds awesome…not ridiculous!


That is amazing. Can you post a picture of the TEADIS pleeeease?

I’m so grumpy about having to move again. This place is really great in so many ways, and it’s the first place I’ve had a chance to really settle into since I left my spouse five years ago. I’ve moved way too many times in that span and I wanted to be done with it. But I know that I can do better for this price, and I don’t feel happy paying a lot and not getting good basic services. I’m hoping our next place is awesome and I can stay there for at least a few years. Like, at least two – that shouldn’t be too much to ask right?

We’re going to stick it out for the winter, since the lease expires in spring and seriously, fuck moving in winter :P


I will poke the wifey when she gets home and make her take pictures with her pretty camera!

I feel you on the moving during winter part. We moved during the big ice storm last year, it suuuucked. We have pets and we lost power very quickly, so we ended up going to stay with the inlaws, moving everything into their garage, and just staying until our condo was available in early January.

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2238 tasting notes

This sample came with my first RiverTea order. It was another I’d considered while putting my order together, and another I finally decided against as I was trying to limit myself a little. My cupboard is out of control, after all. Still, it worked out because I got to give this one a try anyway!

I gave this 5 minutes in boiling water. The liquor was a medium honey brown-gold, and something in the scent reminded me a lot of 52 Teas Strawberry Pie Honeybush. A good omen, because I loved that one!

To taste, this one is very fruity. Grapefruit is the main flavour, and it adds a sharp, almost bitter, tang to the overall flavour. The strawberry is mild, but it’s there, adding a sweet and juicy undertone. The honeybush is also sweet, but otherwise remains an unobtrusive base. There’s no woodiness here. I wasn’t sure about this one at first, but as it cooled I got more of the fruit flavours, and it actually turned into a pretty successful cup. The grapefruit is a nice counterpoint to the sweetness of the honeybush and strawberry, and the combination works really well. I have a three-cup sample, so I chose to brew this hot to start with, but I’m pretty sure it would work equally well cold brewed. If I add it to a future RiverTea order (and there’s a good chance that I will!), I’ll definitely be trying it cold. A genuinely lovely, caffeine free option, and a welcome addition to my pre-bedtime rotation.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

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1040 tasting notes

This was a sample included with my RiverTea order.

Once again, I don’t always do well with citrus, and this is no exception. I’m finding it to be more grapefruit than strawberry. The honeybush base is nice and not intrusive.
This is not something I would order, but if you like grapefruit and are looking for a caffeine free option, you should give this one a try.

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15575 tasting notes

dexter sent me this one off my wishlist and i proooobably should have cold brewed it. but i was really excited to have more non caffeine teas in my i totally read the label as SUPER STAN! and i was like hmmm let’s go see what makes him super. this is a nice enough tea, but there is less flavour POP than i want there to be. I’m getting more of the honeybush than i want, though the flavouring that is coming through is quite nice. I think this is probably one of those cold brew teas…nice, but better cold :) thanks dex!

Final Count: 150 (2 more packages inbound + 4 purchased teas…)


Isn’t it funny how, once you get a name in your head, correctly or incorrectly, it just stays that way? :)



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345 tasting notes

T&C TTB 14/23

My son and I both liked this even though I messed this one up. I think I was afraid of the grapefruit being too sour and may have under leafed this when I cold brewed it or maybe I should have left it in longer. It smelled and tasted like grapefruit but very light and no puckering. I think when I try this again I will do a normal iced brew because I don’t like the idea of hot grapefruit.

Thanks Kat_Maria for sharing your RiverTea :)

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184 tasting notes

Not bad…got this as a sample from an order. I taste the berries and a hint of the grapefruit. Not sure this would be a tea I’d stock, but it’s fairly good and not bitter like I thought it would be.

5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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181 tasting notes

Tea & Cards TTB

I’m not entirely used to the concept of citrus and honeybush as a thing, but this actually works out pretty well…it smells a bit like cough syrup, but the flavour is all grapefruit (and some other citrus I can’t put my finger on) on the front end and that delightful woody honeybush background.

It goes really well together, actually, and I enjoyed the cup.
Not sure I would have another one, but it wasn’t a pain to drink it down.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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