First off I want to state that the only reason why I have this $88 ripe puerh brick is because it was given to me as a gift as it is way beyond what I would be willing to spend on tea myself. So the big question that the answer is finally within our grasp is how much if any ripe puerh drinkers that have a limited tea budget are missing out. I’d start by saying that this ultimate puerh brick also turned out to be the ultimate iron brick as I haven’t encountered a brick that was compressed this hard in ages. This not only made it really hard to break off brewing chunks but was also hard enough to crush a lot of the puerh leves, so if they were top of the line premium whole leaves when they are pressed they are now manly broken leaves. The brew overall reveals that it is a medium light fermentation level ripe puerh, with slight smoothness when being ultra clean in taste. Overall I have to admit that it is a good quality puerh but it is clean to the point of being boring as compared to some of the more earthy but not musty ones that are more interesting in my opinion. Regardless unless you have extra money to burn and would really like the metal tin that it is packaged in I would not recommend spending $88 of your own money for 500 grams of ripe puerh.