I’ve had this tea for a couple of weeks now and finally had the chance to try the sample that I received the last time I stopped into the shop. I must first note that there are plenty of teas that I don’t like from the shop; however, there are also the select few that I truly devote to purchasing every time I’m there…
Notes: Smells like paint & tastes like sticks on the the ground in Autumn after a few days of rain. I will say that there is a lot of potential of this being enjoyable, but it’s gone stale and has a weird funk to it (aside from the wet sticks). I cannot identify the taste, but it’s something which lingers in the aftertaste…
Flavors: Wet wood
Oh, that kind of sounds like a hot mess, really.
I can’t decide how I feel about "stick"y tea…didn’t hate it the times I tried it, but with a world full of perfectly good leafy stuff, why settle for second best? :)
Fjellrev it kind of was a hot mess.
gmathis It wasn’t the best tea to be had. I’d definitely choose a leafy tea from now on.