This is a lovely green tea. I started with a small sample of it, and these were my tasting notes from last fall:
1.9 grams of tea (was aiming for 2.0, but got tired of adding & subtracting little bits) in small gaiwans, about 60-75mL water
And I took photos this time, watching the unfurling infusion by infusion: flash rinse barely started to unfurl anything
Started timidly, 30" at 160 degrees: warm, vegetal, sweet but the infusion is a little too short/dilute
1 minutes at same temp: vegetal flavors of peas, grass, lightly floral background, no hint of bitterness, much better match of infusion time and tea. Used the aroma cup set for this, and it was fun, sweet fresh mown grass odors.
90" third infusion, sweet, vegetal, delicate, love it love it, the best yet
2’ a little hotter, 170 degrees, slight astringency but still mostly vegetal
3’ 180 degrees, and better than the previous, sweet, vegetal, such a nice tea
5’ 190 degrees, and the tea is done: barely more flavor than hot water.
Large lovely leaves are now mostly unfurled, but I couldn’t get them to completely flatten long enough to shoot the picture
Next time, 1 min, 90", 2 min, 3 min, 8 min?
I was lucky enough to get some of the spring version of this tea, and quite sad when I went to reorder it and found it was sold out. This is an entirely worthy successor.