This is the first yellow tea I have ever drank as it isn’t an easy type of tea to get a hold of without shelling out a bunch of money.
It’s an interesting-looking tea, the dry leaves are a mix of dark brown and grey rather than yellow like you’d expect and they’re formed into little twists resulting in a tea that’s quite loose and hard to measure in my little scoop. The flavour remind me of some white teas that I’ve tried with a distinct hay-like flavour. This tea doesn’t have the same sweetness that usually accompanies those white teas though. I gave it a resteep @2:45 but the results were a bit lackluster and weak.
It’s an interesting tea, though I’m not entirely sure if I actually like it or not – I need to fiddle with the parameters a bit before I can say for sure. Can anyone else share how they steep their yellow teas?