Sipdown! (23 | 227)
Just now getting around to drinking this pot of tea that I steeped this morning… I got sidetracked by looking at tea trays and then went to the store and have been cooking all evening. Now I’m so tired and drinking this cold.
It’s delicious though! Very sweet, thick, and fruity. It has some wonderful honey and molasses notes along with soft, malty bread and grains. A tart yet jammy fruitiness that reminds me of dried cherries. The honey aftertaste is amazing, just like licking the leftover honey from a spoon. It’s a richer and creamier honey note, without much floral presence.
Thankful to be sipping on this on the couch, and thankful that I’m not sensitive to caffeine ha ha…
Flavors: Bread, Cherry, Dried Fruit, Grain, Hay, Honey, Jam, Malt, Oats, Smooth, Sweet, Thick
Oh, my goodness … that sounds heavenly.
So lovely! I adore Taiwanese black teas.