Last of the RTD options from Mateina!
I liked this one too – I think it’s perfectly spot on for the name. Interestingly, this is a flavour that Mateina also carries in LLT format and I tried that one at the MTL tea festival. Now, I would never expect an RTD to taste exactly like its loose leaf equivalent but I like when I get a link between the two/can feel the connection. In the case of this tea, I think the flavour of the RTD far surpasses the flavour of the LLT.
It’s nice because a lot of the time hibiscus is sort of used to replicate a generic “berry flavour” because of it’s tartness – it’s one of those weird brain/placebo things that works for most people. However, I definitely don’t think hibiscus tastes like berries; so what I really appreciated about this RTD is that I was getting those really sharp, tart high notes from the hibiscus but I could also distinctly taste a different note that was more of a sweet, jammy berry flavour. In fact, the overall dynamic of this tea just really strongly reminded me of DAVIDsTEA’s Queen of Tarts blend – it was that same really bright, intense hibiscus married with a red berry and blackberry type of sweetness. All the while still maintaining that taste of yerba mate in the undertones, and most prominently in the finish.
I think this was really well done – I’m probably not predispositioned to reach for this type of flavour profile in general, but anyone who enjoys hibiscus or berry drinks would likely really love this one.