Zendo 2020 Ripe Mini Tuocha

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Bread, Earth, Mineral, Smooth, Sweet, Umami, Wet Rocks, Yeast
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Edit tea info Last updated by derk
Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more 20 oz / 591 ml

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  • “Whether these mini tuocha came from White Antlers or from Mandala Tea, I don’t know. Either way, they were a gift of kindness :) This morning, I stewed a 4.5g tuo in my work thermos to pour into a...” Read full tasting note

From Mandala Tea

Zendo, a fitting name for a most centering and pure ripe pu’er. It is a tea that will keep you wanting to practice tea time, with yourself and with special friends.

Our exclusive blend of leaves come to us from Yongde county in the Yunnan province. This leaf was grown on Mang Fei mountain where our Mountains of the Moon ripe was picked and processed. Our leaves were picked from 80 year old trees in the spring of 2019 and wet piled shortly after that. The ripened leaves were stored there in Lincang until just before we had them pressed into these incredible mini-tuochas and you’ll notice little, if any, post-fermentation flavor. June 2020 pressed and cured.

Grown in pristine conditions without sprays of any kind, this tea is as clean as it gets. And the flavor? Stunning. Fruit and chocolate notes, sweet and earthy. Well-rounded with a complexity that will only deepen as these age.

For fun, get some of the loose-leaf Zendo so you can see the differences that the steaming and pressing makes! Keep some of these mini’s in your purse or backpack so you’re able to make tea anywhere you might find yourself.

About Mandala Tea View company

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1 Tasting Note

1652 tasting notes

Whether these mini tuocha came from White Antlers or from Mandala Tea, I don’t know. Either way, they were a gift of kindness :)

This morning, I stewed a 4.5g tuo in my work thermos to pour into a special mug. The mug, or rather a small beer stein, is dedicated to shou and has an image of Prague on it, all in earthen tones. It makes me think of Martin Bednar and his benevolence.

Zendo is fresh and has very little leftover fermentation funk. I mostly notice it as that kind of nutritional yeast flavor I sometimes pick up on in shou. Barely cheesy, barely bready, entirely welcome. Zendo is like drinking smooth, wet rocks with a hint of sweet dark earth. Not getting chocolate or fruit like Mandala.

I really like Zendo as a daily drinker (I finished both mini tuo within 24 hours). It’s so easy and smooth, clean and mineral. Ah, comfort.

Flavors: Bread, Earth, Mineral, Smooth, Sweet, Umami, Wet Rocks, Yeast

Boiling 8 min or more 20 OZ / 591 ML
White Antlers

I sent them a few weeks after the Swedish Death Purge tea parcel because I felt bad about sending you aged tea. Glad you found comfort and enjoyment as well as fresh, young tea. : )

Martin Bednář

I really hope you will be able to see Prague once! I am too much benevolent when it comes to tea. “Drink all the tea!” seems is my motto. I am here sitting within boxes, I tossed out only once so far… I need to find some place, but I am busy with University those times.

The tea indeed looks like solid dailydrinker. Good for upcoming fall :) although fall in California is certainly different than Czech one. stops daydreaming about Cali

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