2005 Langhe Ripe Mini Tuo

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Pu Erh Tea
Brown Sugar, Caramel, Leather
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3 Tasting Notes

4346 tasting notes

This is QUITE a small tuocha! And it is a very slow unraveller, even after a rinse and steeping for three minutes. Resulting in a very light brew on that first steep — too light, really. And bland because of it. The tuocha looks like it absorbed a little water, but still kept its form. But it’s unusual for me to steep a tuocha for three minutes on the first steep, so I really didn’t want to go over three minutes. Rethinking this though, I should have steeped until there was a HINT at least of a dark puerh that I would have enjoyed drinking. But that is what I figured out on the second steep! Still, the tuocha is hardly unraveled but the steep is MUCH darker and the taste is lovely. Like a cup of coffee. Rich and dark, just like I love shou. No negative qualities here at all. Even after the second steep, the tuocha needed a bit of prodding for a delicious third steep and then a delicious fourth. Note to self: Just steep the first cup until it’s a drinkably dark brew color.
Steep #1 // 1 tuocha for full mug // 22 minutes after boiling // rinse // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3 1/2 min
Steep #3 // just boiled // 6 min
Steep #4 // just boiled // 10+ min

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1186 tasting notes

Finally trying this mini tu! I really have not felt like reviewing new teas lately (aka all last week lol), but I will try to be better this week. I still have so many to review that I picked up on vacation! Ah, all in good time. Tonight, I was ridiculously craving a latte with eggnog lol, but my stomach doesn’t do well with milk, so I thought I’d be nicer to it and have some pu’erh instead. And I have so many mini tuochas to get to, might as well have one tonight.

This one has a barn, hay-like scent to it. Definitely like wet hay in a barn haha. I do not mind this earthy scent, mostly due to my new love of pu’erh, although I can see it being off-putting to some. I did a quick 15s steep as recommended, then a 1 minute steep. The tuocha is just starting to break apart at the end of this steeping.

The liquor is dark and rich and smells clean and caramelly. Mmmm, man I needed this tonight. As for the flavor, ahh this is so good right now. A ton of caramel flavors in this one! A clean earthiness, a tinge of smoke, maybe leather at the end of the sip, but this melds with the sweetness to lend a sugar like sensation on my tongue. I’m totally picturing caramellized, slightly burnt brown sugar.

Overall, this is rich, thick, and immensely satisfying. I feel like I am not quite adept enough to determine many flavours in pu’erh yet other than caramel and earth notes haha, but this is certainly enjoyable, even if I’m missing (or mis-interpreting) some of the flavours. Exactly what I needed tonight!

ETA – I did the second steeping for 1 min as well, and the liquor is super dark like coffee. I was worried it would be pretty strong, but it is still awesome. More pronounced leather and some wood notes and not quite as smooth, but still delicious. And its also making me quite sleepy and relaxed :)

Flavors: Brown Sugar, Caramel, Leather

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818 tasting notes

There are a few of these in the variety pack and I enjoyed my first today as an afternoon session. The little tuo is tightly compressed and more acorn-shaped, which I think caused the first steep to be too light in flavor. In the second steep, however, the leaf broke up and produced a dark liquor. This one might benefit from some time to open up between the rinse and the first steep.

The taste was very earthy, with some leather, some whole grain toast and in later steeps, some wood notes. The aroma was amazing, sweet, and caramel-like. The only thing I didn’t like was that the tea left this sediment quality sticking to my tongue. I wish it had been smoother. Overall though, I’ll be enjoying the rest of these. :)


Happy to see a review on these ones too! They are next on my list I think for the mini tuo sampler :)


glad you guys are reviewing these haha lets me know what i’d be getting in to if i order the variety pack!


You’re welcome! I like to do reviews, so I’ve been matching the wrappers to the ones in the pictures on Mandala’s site.

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