Tea type
Black Fruit Herbal Blend
Black Tea, Carob, Cinnamon, Cocoa Nibs, Cornflower Petals, Figs, Hibiscus, Mango, Pineapple, Rose Petals
Amaretto, Chocolate, Coffee, Fig, Malt, Mango, Pineapple, Silky, Sweet, Vanilla
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From Magic Hour

Organic Black Tea, Pineapple, Organic Cocoa Nibs, Organic Rose Petals, Organic Roasted Carob, Organic Cinnamon, Mango, Figs, Cornflower Petals, Coffee Leaf, Organic Hibiscus, with Natural Flavor Extracts

When creating a blend for the Venusian Queen of the Zodiac, I reached for the richest most luxurious flavors of ripe tropical fruit, bursting wild rose buds, sensually rich dark chocolate and a rarity to behold: Coffee Leaves. Coffee is a flavor so many of us adore and yet coffee beans can add to our inflammation, alas the Coffee Leaf arrives with the solution: Double the antioxidants of green tea, teeming with anti-inflammatory nutrients and a flavor reminiscent of early morning sunrise viewings while cuddled in a warm embrace.

Whether you are a Taurus or simply love luxury and a cornucopia of chocolate-rose-tropical delight in your cup, this blend will bring the fruits of the entire earth to you to make you feel like the queen you truly are. xx, Zhena

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2 Tasting Notes

16967 tasting notes

This was an interesting one – like a medley of different chocolate covered fruits, but all ones that would be a bit more unconventional to see coated or dipped in chocolate. The mango, in particular, seems strange to me paired with chocolate. There’s other stuff going on in the blend too because of coarse there is (all of these blends seem so busy!). The coffee leaf is a cool addition and I’m always excited to see it used since most of the time it comes from Wize and the work they do is just so good – but I think the taste gets lost here…

The chocolate flavour itself is nice though! Smooth and a tiny bit truffle-like but with a hint of that more liqueur type of element that some chocolate flavouring has. It just enough though, and I don’t find it cloying or overly boozy. Best of all, the liquor of the tea wasn’t oily and that was a huge plus for me. The fruits are strange because the blend is definitely fruity but I found it hard to say it tasted like any one particular fruit. I guess if I had to name something, I felt like the fig was sort of the clearest note? It’s not particularly bright/saturated in terms of the fruit profile – makes me think a bit more of a preserved or dehydrated fruit leather. And then, the whole cup has a soft floral undertone to it.

Overall, I liked it – but I wouldn’t jump out of my seat to go make myself another mug and I don’t know that I’ll want more when I inevitably finish off the sample either.

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1733 tasting notes

HIGHLY unusual one. Borrowing the marketing tagline, the ingredient profile is insanely decadent and luxurious. Smelling, and better yet, drinking it, the tea gave me intensely boozy vibes. I’m thinking liquor filled boozy chocolates.

The flavor was very complex, and I get the hints and profiles of each ingredient-the carob, fig, chocolate, coffee leaf, pineapple, and mango are very forward. The rest of it mingles, and the flavor combines reminds me of an amaretto sour….but chocolaty.

Anyway, I’ve only had this tumbler style and it did evolve. It got a little bit more muddled and pineapple leaning towards the end after about three refills of my bottle. Either way, definite fan of this one. I need to come back to it to wax poetic. Very smooth and silky. It’s more rich than busy, which is what I like about it.

Flavors: Amaretto, Chocolate, Coffee, Fig, Malt, Mango, Pineapple, Silky, Sweet, Vanilla

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