Gourmet Island Spice Tea

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Black Tea
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  • “Listening to : Regina Spektor- Ne Me Quitte Pas I remember Lindsay Gaardens teas from my childhood! The boyfriend and I found this at the dollar store and it sounded interesting, so we had to get...” Read full tasting note

From Lindsay Gardens

Black Tea
Coconut Flavor
Mango Flavor
Black Pepper

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1 Tasting Note

41 tasting notes

Listening to : Regina Spektor- Ne Me Quitte Pas

I remember Lindsay Gaardens teas from my childhood! The boyfriend and I found this at the dollar store and it sounded interesting, so we had to get it!

Observation 1: Packaging is blagh. Inside the box is this thin plastic with perforations on one edge for easy oppening. The tea bags are square and flat, with two attached to each other and no string, making them useless (lets face it, no string =useless). I made the tea. Yes, I MADE TEA. Boyfriend was mowing the lawn. >.> I took boiling water, cut the bags open and put them in myinfuser and steeped for 5 minutes as instructed. This tea is super fine, dusty almost.

Observation 2: Naked, this tea steeps a murky brown. The particles are so fine that there were little bits in the bottom of my teacup. I taste black tea and citrus and the fragrance is primarily black tea and a hint of coconut. This tea is a bit bitter. Maybe the water was too hot???

Observation 3: With sugar (scantilly clad): I only taste black tea. There’s no real outstanding tropical notes.

Observation 4: With milk (robed): Tastes like bitter black tea.

Observation 5: With milk and sugar (fully dressed): I taste very little coconut. Best taste for this tea yet.

Overall: its the instant coffee of tea, what can I say? I ended up finishing the pot by drowning it in sugar. Its a low grade black tea, but it did bring a lot of memories for me. After all the teas I’ve been enjoying, I’m sad that this was a chore to finish. But c’est la vie. By the way, no boyfriend review this time. He really was mowing the lawn and now he’s in the shower.

dagmar1 12 years ago

The chamomile tea was unexpectingly pleasant. I love my chamomile. Ran out the other day and ran to a store I don’t normally go to to get my tea , thank you for the unexpected pleasure.

Debb1 12 years ago

I was pleasantly surprised by the fruity, tropical flavor of this tea. Weak so needs extra steeping and only one cup per bag but naked (without any dressing) this light and lovely tea suited my discriminating taste just fine, altho the plain packaging left me wanting.

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