Doudou délice

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Coconut, Grenadine
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by MissB
Average preparation
Boiling 5 min, 45 sec 24 oz / 709 ml

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Theoretically I should love the grenadine, raspberry, coconut blend but I suspect rooibos prevents this from being achieved. Or it could be the coconut, which is not an ingredient that likes to sit...” Read full tasting note
  • “another from MissB and i’m going to side with her on this one. For me this was a giant cup of rooibos without a lot of flavour. it wasn’t woodsy rooibos but it was unmistably rooibos…with a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Billed as a grenadine, raspberry, coconut blend… I’m getting little of any. The rooibos base is actually decent, but I’m just not loving the tea. I’m not getting any of the flavorings, even close...” Read full tasting note

From Les Jardins de Gaia

Charme d’une délicieuse corbeille gourmande. Pépins rouge rubis de la grenade et léger goût de framboise, associés au rooibos et à la noix de coco, pour une boisson aussi douce que doudou… Pour petits et grands !

Idée recette : Faites infuser 3 C. à S. de « Doudou délice » dans ½ litre d’eau bouillante. Laissez infuser 10 minutes et filtrez. Versez l’infusion ainsi obtenue dans une cruche remplie de glaçons. Un rooibos délicieux glacé !

Pour une boisson au goût intense, mettez 3 C. à S. de « Doudou délice » dans 1 litre d’eau froide, laissez infuser au minimum 5h au réfrigérateur, dans l’idéal une nuit. Et régalez-vous !

Composition : Rooibos, grenade, framboise, copeaux de noix de coco.

Ingredients: Rooibos, grenadine, raspberries, coconut.

About Les Jardins de Gaia View company

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3 Tasting Notes

1445 tasting notes

Theoretically I should love the grenadine, raspberry, coconut blend but I suspect rooibos prevents this from being achieved. Or it could be the coconut, which is not an ingredient that likes to sit around in my cupboard for a year. Anyways, it’s not bad; I don’t get much raspberry but definitely taste the grenadine and coconut.

Oh well. Mom doesn’t seem to mind hers with milk.

Flavors: Coconut, Grenadine

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec

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15588 tasting notes

another from MissB and i’m going to side with her on this one. For me this was a giant cup of rooibos without a lot of flavour. it wasn’t woodsy rooibos but it was unmistably rooibos…with a little side of sweet and not a lot of anything else. boooo. However, on the plus side this brings my cupboard down to 155 even with my addition to the cupboard today as i was able to swing by David’s tea and pick up some key lime before it’s gone for good. heh.

Final Count: 155


Heh. Doudou sounds like my french alter-ego :P


Doudou means “Darling” in French creole and we often use it in France as a nickname for children or between husband/wife. this is very sweet

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1501 tasting notes

Billed as a grenadine, raspberry, coconut blend… I’m getting little of any. The rooibos base is actually decent, but I’m just not loving the tea. I’m not getting any of the flavorings, even close to how I perceive them. Sure, a decent tea, but not one as advertised.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

Theoretically, it sounds tasty…but theoretical teas are kind of disappointing, huh?



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