
Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 45 sec

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9 Tasting Notes View all

From Ladurée

Strong and fruity Darjeeling and Assam tea blend, flavoured with vanilla from Madagascar and aromatized with natural vanilla oil.

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9 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

Last year I went on a euro trip with the worst travel partner ever. We had one day in Paris (which she had been to before) and she insisted on spending most of the day at the champs-elysees so she could visit a store she liked the year before. She also pushed for us to go to McDonalds in every city we visited because she’s a picky eater and had no interest in trying the food everywhere had to offer. Anyways, one plus for me being on the champs-elysees was Laduree. I knew them as a bakery that had world famous macarons so I decided once I was there I would splurge to try some. My travel partner also splurged and then bitched to me about the cost to which I said she didn’t need to buy them if she didn’t want to spend the money and she told me she HAD to because they are famous (a fact she didn’t know prior to me telling her as I made her walk in the shop).

So that kind of ruined the whole experience which is made even sadder by the fact that I really wanted to visit a Parisian tea shop and at the time realized my time in Laduree was my one chance to do that (seeing as she told me we had no time to visit a tea shop since we only had the one day). Why didn’t I realize this? Well, stupid me didn’t realize Laduree was a tea shop until Sil started posting about their teas and now that she was awesome enough to share, I realize I missed out on a good tea shop as this vanilla tea is lovely. Creamy and sweet and just vanilla deliciousness. So thank you Sil for sharing and given me the chance to indulge in the Parisian teas I missed on while I was in France!


So glad to get some to you to try out :) you’ll just have a better idea of what to get when you go back! with a better travel partner!

Evol Ving Ness

There’s a lot to be said for travelling solo. Sorry that you had to suffer that experience.

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16975 tasting notes

I accidentally posted this under the wrong header earlier this morning, so reposting now under the correct entry for accuracy’s sake…


So many fancy teas in the box! And black teas, specifically!

I cold brewed this one; I’ve been drinking a lot of cold brewed fruit teas and I wanted to switch things up a little bit just to have a break inbetween cold brews.

This was phenomenal: there’s so much vanilla flavour packed into this tea it’s insane! Seriously, a lot of “Vanilla” teas are subtle/weak but this is really in your face and I appreciate that. It still tastes very natural and it’s vanilla without being cloying vanilla. There’s some creamyness as well which adds a bit more depth, and I felt like I also got some nice malt and wood notes from the base tea. I bet you that this would make an insane latte! Maybe someone else in the line up with the box will have to try that…

Also, I want to share this SUPER CUTE Finebros reaction video! It is ‘tea’ related, afterall…

I definitely feel like the majority of their reactions are exactly the same as my reaction the very first time I tried boba. I love it now, though.

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1184 tasting notes

GCTTB5 box#2

I really enjoy vanilla teas and this one is no exception. It is smooth, with just that little hint of Darjeeling. The vanilla tastes fairly natural and just a little sweet. There is a slight astringency in the aftertaste.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

2022 Sipdown 158/365!

All I remember is that this was still good!

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15596 tasting notes

i’m still always amazed at how different one vanilla tea can be from another. I still have a little trouble with these teas from laduree but they’re still tasty enough that i am happy to have tried them. smooth base and great taste.


THIS is the store opening on Robson, not Fauchon! Le Sigh.


haha way to ruin omgsrslys hopes and dreams…


But the macarons will be sooooooo worth it


Lol, we’ve talked about it already, and she said the same thing as MzPriss. Ha! It’s still good tea, and frankly… I’ll use any excuse I can to get back to France. Fauchon can be it. :P




Yeah, I love the differences. The ice creamy, the vanilla beany, the cookie-like, the whipped creamy. Probably more than that, even!


What you’re getting a Laduree?


aye.. Vancouver is getting one


Yes! Macarons! :D :D :D :D :D

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