
Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Shmiracles
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205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec 9 oz / 266 ml

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17 Tasting Notes View all

From Ladurée

Delicate blend of black team cocoa, caramel and vanilla. A gourmet and passionate tribute to Colette and her writings.

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17 Tasting Notes

1403 tasting notes

And it’s a belatedly posted sipdown!

#long time ago internet hiatus sipdown

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6444 tasting notes


Thank you Sil for sharing. I finished this off with a Homer Simpson donut and it was the perfect pairing. This was chocolate and caramel while the donut was sugary and vanilla. Delicious combo :). With that said, I think I am okay saying goodbye to this tea after the sample I had.



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1908 tasting notes

I’m loving all these French teas in the GCTTB This one is a mild mix of chocolate and caramel flavours that pair well with a smooth base that has some nice warm, biscuity notes. This would make a nice breakfast blend as it has strength without being harsh and the flavours are pleasantly soothing. Personally I’d like a bit more chocolate, but then I’m a total chocolate fiend. ;)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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17008 tasting notes


So, like Lala I definitely initially misread this one and 100% expected it to be Cherry. And of course, it’s not. It’s chocolate/caramel/vanilla? If I remember correctly…

It’s actually VERY good but I’m a little sad it’s not what I was expecting. First thing I noticed was immediately the vanilla – it’s incredibly similar in profile and strength to the vanilla flavour in the Vanille blend from this same company. Which isn’t surprising; it’s just nice to see the consistency. That said, I also really taste the caramel; it’s smooth, creamy and sweet! I can’t say I’m getting hit with a whole lot of chocolate though. At the same time; even now that I know there isn’t cherry flavour in the blend it’s hard for it to not taste a little fruity to me. I’d probably call the notes I’m picking up more of a ripe strawberry or sweetened strawberry compote than cherry – but definitely observing a fruity sweetness in the finish of the sip.

Happy to have tried this one.

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871 tasting notes

GCTTB 5 Box 2

I haven’t really been around on Steepster a lot recently. I have just been busy with other things. And I have also settled into drinking the same old teas. The ones I really like. And I am ok with that. So I have struggled a little bit with getting reviews posted of the teas from this box.

I mis-read this one to be la cerise. So I was expecting cherry. But it is definitely not that. So my brain and my taste buds were in this little ninja fight because the taste wasn’t matching up with what my brain was expecting. Then I figured it out.

The tea smells very rich. There are notes of sweet vanilla and some dark cocoa notes. The liquor is very thick feeling. There are flavours of vanilla mixed with cocoa. It is sweet but not too sweet. There is a very creamy texture and flavour to this tea. Even though this one is a black tea base, I feel like it could definitely be a green. There is a very slight grassy note to the taste.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1184 tasting notes

Thank you Sil for this sample.

I have never had a French tea before, so I was excited to try it.

This is a beauty of a tea, if not a touch delicate. The cocoa and cherry are barely there but sure make for a smooth cuppa. The base is nice, a little on the delicate side as well, but very tasty!

Like Sil has mentioned in her notes, I might try a longer infusion next time to see if the flavours come out a little more.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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513 tasting notes

Another tea sample that i acquired at Saturday’s tea meet, this one via the lovely sil.

I read her tasting note about it and saw that she wasn’t getting as much flavour as she wanted with a shorter steep, so I opted for a full five minutes, because the smell of this tea is divine. You can smell the vanilla and caramel, and something about it just smells so high quality for lack of a better term. To the point where it’s verging on something else, although i can’t quite put my finger on it. Candied pralines, maybe? Anyway, it definitely smells like a French bakery. Unfortunately, the scent doesn’t really persevere into the flavour, or rather it’s much more delicate and significantly muted. That said, it was still a delightfully delicious cup, and I have plans to finish off the sample in a larger mug. French teas can be quite overwhelmable in my experience, so sometimes they do require a bit of tinkering.


totally missed seeing you comment on this. Glad you enjoyed it but yes, it’s very muted.

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15618 tasting notes

Pulled this one out today as well in an effort to try and get to some of my older teas. Still so many flavoured teas to drink up. This one is delicious vanilla, cacao tasty treat. Lots more to drink up!

Final Count: 107

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