Bois Cheri Black Tea, Vanilla Flavoured

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Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Fiddling
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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From Bois Cheri

From Mauritius (Ile Maurice)

Bois Cheri is one of the most popular makes of hand-picked tea in Mauritius. It is only available on the internet since there are no retailers beyond the shores of the island of Mauritius.

It is traditionally prepared with milk and sweeteners (sugar or honey) or condensed milk, but can be consumed otherwise.

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9 Tasting Notes

15596 tasting notes

mmm thanks again for this one fiddling another sipdown, another tea experience! not too shabby but nothing i need to restock. just happy to have tried it :)

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93 tasting notes

A former colleague gave me some of this tea from her country of origin, Mauritius. It’s become one of my go-to bagged teas when I need a quick cuppa.

The vanilla is quite strong, but smooth. It smells absolutely wonderful. Like most black bases it will get bitter if oversteeped, so pay attention to steeping times!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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57 tasting notes

…expect a bag of leafs soon.


Do you know where I can get some of this tea?


…I tried to download a picture for this tea and while I was on google I’ve noticed that some tea sellers offer it on there page.
But besides that…you only get in on the island of Mauritius. A friend of mine works there and promised me to send a bag.
The company is not eager to expand or do export business to overseas as the plantation is quite small.


I found a place in France but was hoping for a place in the states. Have you herd great things?


I went on a trip to Maritius 2years ago and visited the plantations…made a tour through there production line where a employee explained all the different steps of processing the leafs to me…we did a tea tasting afterwards. Mmmmh…very nice tea. The vanilla flavor is very strong and almost overwhelming…well, of course it is! Mauritius also has its hands in the vanilla business. Anyways, the population of the island mostly drinks it with milk. Some may add a bit of cardamom. Therefore, as the tea is designed for milk drinkers, it may come across a bit rough if one drinks it without. It is the only vanilla scented tea that I’ve ever tried. Means I can’t compare with other V.-teas that are out there.

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36 tasting notes

Decided to try this with some milk and a tiny bit of honey this time around.

It’s much smoother. The milk really evens out the tea. The honey does help get rid of that slight bitterness from before but might make it a little too sweet for me. It almost even overwhelms the tea. Bummer.

Next time will just add milk.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1 tasting notes

This is such a delicious tea, the smell alone is wonderful. Steep longer if you’re going to be adding milk but be careful! too much will completely spoil the taste.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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6 tasting notes

sweet with the vanilla taste, no need to sweet it more.

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