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Oolong Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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  • “If this is truly unflavored—supposedly there’s still some deception about that in the milk oolong marketplace (and I don’t mean to potentially libel Joy’s AT ALL either; it’s altogether possible...” Read full tasting note

From Joy's Teaspoon

The term “Milk Oolong” comes to mind, but there is no actual milk added to these leaves. Mother Nature just rocks that way!

Milk oolongs are one of those teas that have a number of inaccuracies written about them on the internet and we are here to set the record straight. While many “milk oolongs” have had artificial flavorings added to them, this Jin Xuan is naturally creamy and buttery based solely on the processing of the harvested leaves.Read more

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1 Tasting Note

612 tasting notes

If this is truly unflavored—supposedly there’s still some deception about that in the milk oolong marketplace (and I don’t mean to potentially libel Joy’s AT ALL either; it’s altogether possible often resellers aren’t aware)—I’m quite impressed. This is the milkiest natural/unflavored milk oolong I’ve tried. I did 3x resteep side-by-sides of this and their (flavored) Milk Oolong and they had equal levels of milk flavor, just different overall profiles (IIRC one was more floral, letting the oolong’s greenness shine through). So far, this is my favorite unflavored Milk Oolong. Yep.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec
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Flowery 11 years ago

Wow, that’s saying a lot. Do you mind sharing your runners up? Just curious what else you’ve compared, as I’m always on the hunt for the world’s best milk oolong and haven’t tried this yet – it’s going on the list though!

ifjuly 11 years ago

As far as unflavored goes, I’ve tried Teavivre’s and Mandala’s. I’ve still got Yezi’s and Eco Cha’s to try. And I’ve had a couple Jin Xuans that weren’t light oolong or milky, which until recently I didn’t even know existed.

Flowery 11 years ago

Thanks! I’ve never tried a flavored one, but Mandala’s is one of my top two along with Capital right now (haven’t tried Teavivre, Yezi or Eco Cha’s either). Most aren’t even worth drinking, but those two and also SerendipiTea (for the price) are great. Will definitely have to give this a try.

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