Thé des Riads

Tea type
Fruit Green Herbal Blend
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Cardamom, Cinnamon, Floral, Grapefruit, Pepper, Sweet, Drying, Flowers
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by MissB
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 oz / 295 ml

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5 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I got this a while back via Sil from MissB! O. M. G. This tea is AMAZING. WHOA. I LOVE IT PLEASE CAN I HAVE MORE OMG. Apparently it’s Damman Freres, so I’m sure I’ll be able to find it...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is what I always think of as a “spa tea.” The combined flavour of the spices, fruits, and flowers is less of an appetizing meal and more of a perfume-like oil diffuser. It’s nose food, not...” Read full tasting note
  • “someone mixed u my organisation and i ended up drinking this one again tonight even though i’d moved it out of my cupboard. boo. double boo because i’m not a huge fan and would prefer to pass it...” Read full tasting note
  • “Somehow missed this is a green and steeped it as a black. Now that it’s cold, all I’m getting is floral, drying notes, whereas the sweetness in the sip that I got while it was hot, has been...” Read full tasting note

From Jardin du Thé

Thé vert du Yunnan à la fraîcheur des orangers, au parfum de cannelle, cardamome, citron, pamplemousse et piment!

Yunnan green tea with the freshness of orange trees, the scent of cinnamon , cardamom , lemon, grapefruit and pepper.

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5 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

I got this a while back via Sil from MissB!


Apparently it’s Damman Freres, so I’m sure I’ll be able to find it somewhere.

It’s SO FLAVOURFUL. I didn’t actually pick up on the cinnamon, mostly just intense floral (orange!) and the grapefruit and such complexity!

I’ve been steeping it in my new wee tea pot thinger IDEK, 20 seconds the first cup and 30-ish seconds the second cup. So good.

Thanks so much, MissB!


so glad you enjoyed it haha


It’s one of those super weird teas that’s so intensely and differently flavoured that ♥!!! I don’t think I’d like to drink it all the time. I mean, I have a bunch of Earl of Anxi that’s about the same idea of this, and I rarely drink it…


Wow, this looks so interesting! Love the little pot, too! Very cute!


It was a seriously fascinating tea! I think ultimately I love the smell of it more than the taste, but such an experience. :)

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1445 tasting notes

This is what I always think of as a “spa tea.” The combined flavour of the spices, fruits, and flowers is less of an appetizing meal and more of a perfume-like oil diffuser. It’s nose food, not tongue food.

That being said, I still found this pleasant enough to drink; the aroma was just way better. The green base is smooth (veering on butter), with a vegetal quality that teams up with the spices and citrus sours for an nippy parting gift. The finish is almost a dry “sparkling,” and grapefruit-like. It puts me in mind of ciders and grapefruit pop.

Also, when I put Butiki’s Flowery Pineapple, Janet’s Black Currant Rooibos, and this in a lineup for Mom she choose from she chose this one. I can report to Sil and MissB that this tea finally found its intended audience!

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Floral, Grapefruit, Pepper, Sweet

160 °F / 71 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML



Spiced citrus isn’t usually my thing, but I liked this one!

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15588 tasting notes

someone mixed u my organisation and i ended up drinking this one again tonight even though i’d moved it out of my cupboard. boo. double boo because i’m not a huge fan and would prefer to pass it along in case someone else loves it. oopsy. what can i say? not my fault! this one is just still weird for me

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1501 tasting notes

Somehow missed this is a green and steeped it as a black. Now that it’s cold, all I’m getting is floral, drying notes, whereas the sweetness in the sip that I got while it was hot, has been relegated to the end of the gulp. Too bad, so sad.

Flavors: Drying, Flowers, Grapefruit, Sweet

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

what’s really weird about some of these is that they’re greens and recommended temp is near boiling… eep! can’t do it!


Try it for a minute. I’ve been experimenting with some of my non-black teas, and 195 (my standard) for 1 minute or 45 seconds is doing really well. I should post some notes. :)


i did it at 1.5 min…

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