Quick Facts
Bulang Mountain (Lao Ma Er) Shou (Cooked) Puerh
Region: Leaves from near Lao Ma Er village in Bulang Mountain
Type: Mid-Altitude Puerh (1400 meters)
Harvest: Summer 2015
Harvesters: Bulang minority
Soothing and cooling it this contains less caffeine than its raw green cousins. It remains an ideal tea for consuming after a heavy meal, or even as a little late night tipple as the caffeine levels shouldn’t be too destructive.
The Story
An old friend of Jeff’s, Mei, a Menghai teashop owner used to have lots of thoughts and opinions on the teas coming from the Bulang Mountain region of Lao Ma Er, and few, if any, were any good. Lao Ma Er itself was long a kind of remote station seen as the back of nowhere, with suspect teas and growers. The area was known for smuggling routes into Myanmar and its derelict ancient tea trees. The dark days of the suspicions may not be entirely gone, but the teas certainly have come up in quality and consistency. During the summer monsoon season the entire area has been a chore simply getting to and the residents were for a time known (like many) for trying to pawn off medium-aged tea bush harvests, as old tree offerings. The Bulang locals weren’t the only ones trying this and for years, they simply tried to cash in on the ever-increasing need and prices for old leaf trees
uggested Serving
While we encourage each drinker to tinker with infusion times and amounts of tea used according to taste, the below is a good base from which to begin the JalamTeas’ Bulang Mountain (Lao Ma Er) tea experience.
If this is your first tea cake, here is a step-by-step guide on how to break and prepare a tea cake: https://www.jalamteas.com/pages/how-to-prepare-your-puerh-tea-cake
Do not be afraid to make a stronger brew than you might be accustomed to. The tea will darken quickly with the infusions but many prefer this tea a little stronger in flavor. Use fully boiled water.
We recommend not less than 6 grams per serving; ideally 8-10 grams. Locals in southern Yunnan will use as much as 12 grams and wring out more than a dozen infusions, keeping the infusion times relatively short.
First rinse infusion – 10-20 seconds to open the leaves and stimulate the enzymes. If one chooses, it is perfectly fine to consume this infusion, though with Shou or fermented teas we recommend this first infusion as a rinse rather than one to imbibe. We do with most ‘shou’ cooked Puerhs recommend a first cleansing rinse, before consuming.
First drinkable infusion – 10-20 seconds or more depending on taste.
Third to tenth infusions – we recommend increasing times by 10 seconds per infusion to wring as much of the full flavor from the leaves as possible.
When the tongue ceases to enjoy an infusion’s strength, that is the time to begin anew with a fresh load of leaves.