Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by alice
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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3 Tasting Notes View all

  • “when is an earl grey not really an earl grey? When it’s THIS earl grey. heh Another tea sent to me by alice that i was a little wary of. EG’s are not my favourite tea and this one smells VERY...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was an emergency tea purchase at the supermarket because I ran out of tea before my next order arrived. I’ve had had Earl Greys that pack a lot more bergamot punch than this, but often those...” Read full tasting note

From Henry Langdon

A traditional blend of premium Indian black tea with fragrant bergamot.
Earl Grey is a classic tea that Henry Langdon has taken to heart. Using only the finest black tea infused with pure bergamot we are sure this offering will satisfy the most avid Earl Grey drinkers

About Henry Langdon View company

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3 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

when is an earl grey not really an earl grey? When it’s THIS earl grey. heh Another tea sent to me by alice that i was a little wary of. EG’s are not my favourite tea and this one smells VERY strongly of bergamot. However, after brewing this up, it’s not really like most other EG’s that i’ve had. It’s a little more floral..and the bergamot takes a back seat to things. overall not a terrible cup, but i’ll save the rest to pass on to a friend who loves EG’s :) thanks alice! it’s neat to see how different teas can be.

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58 tasting notes

This was an emergency tea purchase at the supermarket because I ran out of tea before my next order arrived.

I’ve had had Earl Greys that pack a lot more bergamot punch than this, but often those teas loose some of the citrus complexity and taste a bit like washing up liquid. This tea has a nice balance, it is has a slight burnt sugar fragrance and lovely citrusy bergamot flavour with just a hint of caramel.

The more I sip this one the more I like it! Natural bergamot makes such a big difference to Earl Grey.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

Running out of tea…how awful ;)

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