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Black Tea
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Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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From Frontier Natural Products Co-op

This popular blend of black teas has a full, robust, malty (and slight citrus) flavor. It’s a good choice for those who prefer a bit of milk or sweetener in their tea.

Botanical name: Camellia sinensis L.
English Breakfast is a tea hearty enough to pair with a full breakfast or a tea-time repast of freshly baked scones. This traditional tea is often accentuated with sugar or honey and milk.

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8 Tasting Notes

3006 tasting notes

Cheap, malty, takes long, unsupervised steeping well. Adequate.


Long, unsupervised steeping :):):)


(That’s code for I lost track of time because the sweater I originally put on didn’t match the shirt once I was under the bathroom lights and I had to go fish out another one, and then I had to check my desk for a piece of paper and the cat wanted to play and then I had left wet clothes in the washer and had to throw them in the dryer and…)


This is why I like teas that resteep well, second chances :)

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37 tasting notes

Good all around black tea.

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152 tasting notes

Smooth, malty, pulls no punches, easy drinking, I like it.

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7 tasting notes

A perfectly average black tea. Impossible to mess up while steeping though so great for tea newbies. It ices well and easily, tastes good even after people sweeten it to death.

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46 tasting notes

While I don’t detest it, it’s nothing special. I sincerely can’t think of a more “meh” English Breakfast. The price point is right for bulk but it leaves a lot to be desired. If left steeping too long becomes quite bitter, in my case near-undrinkable. Not sure of the margin of error here, just felt like it went from tolerable to ugh in virtually no time flat. Unless you’re desperate, there is much better out there. Maybe it’d be good for blending/flavoring..?

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

I’m finishing up what I had in my stash from the bulk I bought. It’s alright but nothing memorable. I will give it a thumbs up but prob won’t buy again.

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