Kirschenmichel / Cherry Pie

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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  • “2022 Sipdown 54/365! Mastress Alita’s Sipdown Challenge February 2022: Cherry tea A generous share from Roswell Strange – thank you! Ran across this last night and remembered the cherry tea prompt,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Cold Brew Sipdown (321) Breaking my lemon streak with a cold brew of this tea from Roswell Strange, thank you! It is tart, but nicely so, as I listen to an Administrative Law lecture and attempt to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipped on this while actually eating a slice of cherry pie. Unfortunately this is another one of those herbal/fruit blends that is basically just acidified apple and hibiscus (ie. TART!) with some...” Read full tasting note

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4 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

2022 Sipdown 54/365!

Mastress Alita’s Sipdown Challenge February 2022: Cherry tea

A generous share from Roswell Strange – thank you!

Ran across this last night and remembered the cherry tea prompt, so it was a good time to try it! Unfortunately, this tea tastes like straight-up hibiscus. Like Raspberry Zinger. I mean, it’s not terrible, and would probably be tasty sweetened (because hibiscus sweetened is good!), but as-is, it doesn’t really resemble cherry pie at all.

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6444 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (321)

Breaking my lemon streak with a cold brew of this tea from Roswell Strange, thank you! It is tart, but nicely so, as I listen to an Administrative Law lecture and attempt to be somewhat studious.

There is no pie aspect but cherry is strong. It’s refreshing and if I were ordering from Floragold, I might grab this. Though it’s not earth shattering. Still makes for a nice cup though.

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16975 tasting notes

Sipped on this while actually eating a slice of cherry pie.

Unfortunately this is another one of those herbal/fruit blends that is basically just acidified apple and hibiscus (ie. TART!) with some flavouring tossed into it that doesn’t resemble what it’s named after. It’s cherry, in the biggest stretch of the word. A hint of red fruit that could be cherry, but mostly just super tart and generic berry flavour. I mean, it was nice alongside my slice of actual cherry pie but drinking it while actually having a slice of pie only seemed to really emphasize just how much the flavour didn’t align with the real thing…

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