Christmas Eve (Un Soir de Noël)

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Candied Apple, Dates, Dried Fruit, Fruity, Orange, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Plum, Raisins, Spices, Tea, Drying, Tart
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 45 sec 16 oz / 477 ml

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  • “Problem with having a home studio is that I’m home and my entire household knows where I am. They have access to me for every little question, need, meandering moment or argument they have. It’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “GCTTB Sipdown. Hurray! The box arrived. The foil packet closure of this tea was broken, so I sampled this one. There was just enough left for a cup. I didn’t detect any fruit flavours,...” Read full tasting note
  • “GCTTB This is an interesting one for sure. Normally “Noel” teas have ingredients like orange and nuts and spice and though this definitely has orange, it is also a touch creamy. Plus, it makes me...” Read full tasting note
  • “From the GCTTB Round 6 1 tsp in 600 mL very hot water, steeped 4 minutes This tastes like fruitcake or plum pudding! Plum, date, light notes of apple, candied orange/orange rind, mulling spice, ...” Read full tasting note

From Fauchon

Fauchon invites you to share an exceptional Christmas. Taste the original flavor of this tea with caramel, pineapple, sweet orange, and maraschino. Enjoy this warm and fruity delicacy with family and friends.

Ingredients: Black tea, pineapple pieces, orange zest, caramel flavoring, orange flavoring, vanilla flavoring, pineapple flavoring, maraschino cherry flavoring.

About Fauchon View company

Company description not available.

9 Tasting Notes

1781 tasting notes

Problem with having a home studio is that I’m home and my entire household knows where I am. They have access to me for every little question, need, meandering moment or argument they have. It’s Sunday and my hopes of unwinding this morning with a cup of tea IN SILENCE after a week or more of poor sleep is dwindling with every interruption. I want to shrink down and climb into this tea, floating like I’m Gary Oldman as Beethoven floating in the water with the night sky reflected into my cup listening to Moonlight Sonata in my head. There is such a comforting caramel orange flavor to this tea that I could sink into at the moment. There is an almost chocolate/burnt sugar note to the finish. I don’t think I was crazy about this tea when I first got it, but I’m growing to love it. Good impulse buy, 2019 Dustin.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

This one sounds good! I hope you find some moments of quiet and relaxation today!

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1403 tasting notes



Hurray! The box arrived. The foil packet closure of this tea was broken, so I sampled this one. There was just enough left for a cup. I didn’t detect any fruit flavours, just the faintest caramel with the slightest bit of fig over a slightly astringent base. Not rating this one.


Oh shoot. I didn’t even notice or I would have repackaged it. Perhaps it broke when I rolled it up to squeeze it in?

Evol Ving Ness

Not to worry, it’s gone now. The ducks more than make up for it.


You don’t often see fig in a tea!

Evol Ving Ness

The various French teas seem to have fig. I haven’t come across it elsewhere.

Maddy Barone

I think David’s had a fig tea for Christmas one year. I remember thinking it was nice.

Evol Ving Ness

I can only hope that it resurfaces some day (without too much fiddling on their part).

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6444 tasting notes


This is an interesting one for sure. Normally “Noel” teas have ingredients like orange and nuts and spice and though this definitely has orange, it is also a touch creamy. Plus, it makes me think of a Christmas ham where you bake it covered in maraschino cherries and pineapple. Not that it tastes like ham at all but the fixings are all present here and that’t the connection I am making to Christmas. With that said, aside from the orange and the fruity sweetness that can be picked out as pineapple and cherry (only a touch cough-syruppy) when you focus, the flavors are quite light. The base is a little astringent as well. It is okay, but not something I will be seeking out again. Still, I want to thank Shezza for adding it to the box thus giving me the opportunity to try this out.

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2987 tasting notes

From the GCTTB Round 6
1 tsp in 600 mL very hot water, steeped 4 minutes

This tastes like fruitcake or plum pudding! Plum, date, light notes of apple, candied orange/orange rind, mulling spice, maybe cherry? I read that this is supposed to have maraschino cherry flavor, so I’m disappointed there isn’t more maraschino cherry in here, it’s more of a dried Bing cherry, like that chocolate companies use to make dark chocolate covered dried cherries. This is very much like a Christmas dessert or those bowls of potpourri people put out at Christmas to make their house smell like orange and cinnamon.

Flavors: Candied Apple, Dates, Dried Fruit, Fruity, Orange, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Plum, Raisins, Spices, Tea

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 20 OZ / 600 ML

This sounds so good!


It wasn’t spectacular. It was nice to try, but I would suggest putting in an order just to try this.


You mean you were able to order from Canada?

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1184 tasting notes

Definitely fruit cake comes to mind with this tea!
That’s all I remember as I drank this last week!
Sorry, terrible review

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1501 tasting notes

First off, I’m an arse – I just got this in a swap, and yet I oversteeped it. Of course. Because that’s my way! So, uh, 12 minutes.

Shockingly, it’s really really yummy. It smells a bit like plum pudding or fruit cake. I don’t get much out of the flavor other than an interesting, plummy-type of dryness.. again… I messed this up. Thank goodness there’s another good mug-full of tea to play with.

Thank you shezza, for so surreptitiously sharing some of this with me in LOOK Tea yesterday.

EDIT: What? caramel, pineapple, sweet orange, and maraschino… um… okay I get the orange (fruitcake, that’s what I identified it as) and marasschino (same thing), and possibly pineapple… but caramel? No. Well, maybe. Well… darn it, I so wish I hadn’t oversteeped this.

Flavors: Drying, Plum, Tart

Boiling 8 min or more 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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8 tasting notes

I’m personally not a fan of teas like this, but this is an enjoyable, full flavoured, smooth, desert tea.

8 min or more

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