I had a talk with Marika of Geek Steep earlier this week about WandaVision. Part of our discussion was about what we would pair with the show. We had some ideas but while searching my database I found this tea, which I completely forgot about. A bit ironic. Also fitting given what’s happening on the show so today I brewed it up to watch the show.
Flavorwise, I don’t really know what’s going on with this tea though. It’s astringent and smells like bergamot but that’s not listed in the tea ingredients. It does have an earl grey vibe to it though and when I look up the description on the Dollar Tea Club site it says: Remember Me is based on the floral notes of a good strong Earl Grey that is sweetened further with a touch of caramel. I get the floral and the strong earl grey. I don’t get the caramel. It’s not for me. With that said, this being not what it seems based on the ingredient list is pretty spot on for the show at least.