So, for my third or fourth (but final!) pot of tea for the day, the beau and I have chosen Night Out. This is a treat that we ration, since the tea was discontinued at some point in the fall when I wasn’t looking. We’ve got something in the ballpark of a half tin left, but this beauty packs a punch, so luckily we can be selfish and use only 1 or 2 teaspoons to a full pot.
As always it steeps up a pale pinkish shade, and has a delightful aroma and taste. I get an oatty sort of smell from the dry leaves, but I get a lot of apple flavour from the tea itself. Sort of a baked apple sort of taste. To an extent, this is what I wish David’s Tea’s Baked Apple tastes like.
Anyway, this pot only enhanced with time. Really delicious, though I have yet to truly experience the promised side effects. I think! : )