This was a sample from TeaTiff. The leaves are very small and somewhat broken, and almost black in color. There are a few ivory-colored flower petals mixed in along with a few other bits and bobs that I can’t identify. Dry scent is vaguely sweet and dessert-y, I can pick out almond but not necessarily chocolate.
Mm, aroma! Steeped, this tea smells heavily of cream along with some almond and orange. This tea is almost creamsicle-y, but with more emphasis on the cream than the orange. I’m not really getting any chocolate, but there’s definitely an almond pastry flavor, which is quite lovely. This tea brings to mind some kind of orange and almond-flavored tea cake with glaze. I’m sure a touch of sugar would bring out the dessert flavors even more.
Flavors: Almond, Cream, Malt, Orange, Pastries