2015 Jingmai Old Tree Red Tea

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 8 g 3 oz / 100 ml

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  • “I bought this tea cake from Andrew (Liquid Proust) for a very fair price. That being said, I can now see why it was a cheaper cake. I used 8 grams in a 100ml gaiwan and after about 5 or 6 steeps...” Read full tasting note

From Chawangshop

This lovely red tea cake come from Jingmai area in Lancang and spring harvest. Perfect processing, good quality tea trees between 80-200 years old growing naturally in the forest. Most of tea trees are “Zhong ye zhong”, rarely xiao ye zhong or Da ye zhong which give to this rare red tea very original chracter.
The tea is full in body, sweet, with tones of honey and dark chocolate.
Pressed by stone

Producing area : Jingmai mountain, Meng Ben village, Lancang, Yunnan

Production date : 4/ 2015

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1 Tasting Note

258 tasting notes

I bought this tea cake from Andrew (Liquid Proust) for a very fair price. That being said, I can now see why it was a cheaper cake. I used 8 grams in a 100ml gaiwan and after about 5 or 6 steeps came to the conclusion that this is just a weaker black tea. I couldn’t quite coax much of a malty black tea flavor out of it. It had a little bit of a tannic after taste but it wasn’t bitter. It just kind of tasted like a generic, weak, black tea.

Now, I am not a quitter and I know for a fact that teas can change. I am willing to experiment with this one some more but as of now… Eh. Not much promise.

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec 8 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

I got this one aging somewhere.


How long do you plan on aging it?


I may need to get into it in a few months.


Yeah, I dragged this one out again today and really over leafed it to see if I could coax some flavor out of it. After 3 gong fu steeps, I decided that it was again pointless. I frustratingly shoved it to the back of one of my tea cabinets.


I have this in my shou storage. I may have to bring it out this weekend. I actually bought this blind and it wasn’t too pricey so I am not out much if its a terrible one. Tuition tea it could be.

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