2013 Chawangpu “He He” Xiao Bing Raw 200g
Material for this cake is a blend of 2007,2012 and 2013 spring harvest from Yiwu and Menghai area. Originally sourced from ancient arbor and wild arbor tea trees. All materials was processed by hand. Stone compression in Menghai. This tea is powerfull and oily with sweet return. A little mature flavor and smooth taste make this tea easy to drink.
He He is another Chinese name for two famous Chinese… Read more
2013 Chawangpu “He He” Xiao Bing Raw 200g
Material for this cake is a blend of 2007,2012 and 2013 spring harvest from Yiwu and Menghai area. Originally sourced from ancient arbor and wild arbor tea trees. All materials was processed by hand. Stone compression in Menghai. This tea is powerfull and oily with sweet return. A little mature flavor and smooth taste make this tea easy to drink.
He He is another Chinese name for two famous Chinese poets and Tao – Chan legendary figures. Han shan (寒山) and Shide (拾得). Hanshan and his sidekick Shide are honored as emanations of the boddhisatva Manjusri and Samantabhadra. They was very famous in China but now they are well know only in Chinese New year and wedding motives like He He. He-He er xian (Chinese: 和合二仙; pinyin: Hé-Hé èr xiān, i.e. “Two immortals [named] Hé and Hé”), also known as the “Immortals of Harmony (和) and Union (合)”.