That this Oolong was re-roasted a couple of times within its time of aging is undeniable – so this aspect really is a key note within its creamy dense profile. The typical Wuyi “red wine wood barrel” is really an old one in this case. The wooden aspect really let the maturity of this tea shine like good old aged whiskey. Even within its dry stage this scent is always omnipresent. But there is also something quite unique to it which was quite a strong component ~ puffed rice crackers with a hint of chocolate. After boiling water kissed those crisp leaves this whole bouquet gained massively within its development. But instead of red wine another alcoholic odor conquered with all its ripe fruity aspects every inch of my senses – warm strong Chinese plum wine. Lovely!
The actual taste combines anything together with such a well balanced creamy thickness of plum wine, deep dense nuances of aged wood and residues of aged red wine plus such a nice creamy sweet play of hazelnut cream, chocolate and a hint of campfire marshmallows at the very end of it. This smokey fellow got a long way to go and isn’t giving up any of its aspects very soon. Just perfect