Lewis & Clarke TTB
First off, I have little to no experience with Darjeelings. I know they’re Indian and the word most used to describe them is “muscatel”, but I think I’ve only tried one ever? Hah. So I was happy to see this in the box! The leaves actually remind me of bai mudan in that they’re varying sizes and colors with some silvery buds. Dry scent is musty hay, which also makes me think of white tea, hah! The directions called for a tablespoon of leaf, but I didn’t want to use that much since there’s not a ton in the package, so I just used less water for my cup and used 2 teaspoons.
Hmm… The brewed aroma definitely reminds me of a lighter black tea. There are pastry or light bread notes along with fruitiness and honey. Oooh, this is interesting! It definitely has elements of white tea – it’s very creamy and grainy. But then it also has dark dried fruit notes, similar to a black tea. Yum! I can definitely see a comparison to wine from the fruitiness, and it’s somewhat astringent which I think is common for Darjeelings? I actually like this one a lot! Thanks Stacy! :)
Flavors: Astringent, Creamy, Dried Fruit, Grain, Hay, Herbs, Muscatel
Good luck with that…. to looking forward to that aspect of things
Joke was on me, he slept until 3:30am and I was basically awake and on edge until that time, but got to sleep after I nursed him. Sleep is absolutely the worst part about babies, because not sleeping just snowballs into so many other problems. I hope your other half will be able to provide some support with this (particularly if you’re nursing) – it’s way easier to cope with crap nights and multiple wakeups if you can get an uninterrupted chunk of sleep during the day while someone else handles baby!