Zen Cleanse

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From Buddha Teas

Our beautiful Zen Cleanse Blend features the tangy taste of hibiscus and cranberry, encouraging a delightful tea cleansing experience.

Organic Ginger Root
Organic Dandelion Root
Organic Spearmint
Leaf Organic Hibiscus
Organic Cranberry
Organic Milk Thistle
Organic Burdock Root
Organic Senna Leaf

In the Know
The whole point of sitting zazen, as this particular Buddhist meditation practice is termed, is to cultivate a life lived in the present moment without attaching to a single thought or story. If one is suffering from any number of mild to chronic ailments, it’s awfully difficult to sit still. Here’s where Buddha Teas Zen Cleanse Blend enters. If a goal of yours happens to center around attaining enough good health to be able to do what you want to do each and every day of your life, we suggest exploring the outstanding Buddha Teas selection, Zen Cleanse Blend.

What Exactly is Zen Cleanse Blend?
Our carefully researched and compiled organic herbs combine to create an unbeatable blend for those interested in finding new and delicious ways to clear the body of unwanted toxins. For, as your cleanse, you make way for better health, and, thus, cultivate a more focused ability to pursue your dreams.

Supporting ingredients:

Ginger Root, An ancient plant, with a plethora of benefits, ginger may be best known to effectively deal with gastrointestinal issues. Less known, however, is its ability to act as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and a support for the respiratory system..
Dandelion Rootr, As a medicinal plant, dandelion has been used for thousands of years, and history shows its use in treating a variety of conditions. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, especially A, C, and K, its known to lower cholesterol, destroy cancer cells, support liver health, and act as an antimicrobial.
Spearmint, Balances hormones; increases circulation; aids digestion; alleviates congestion and throat irritation—these are just a few of the many benefits spearmint offers.
Hibiscus Flower, Wow, the benefits of this plant seems endless: antioxidant; anti-spasmodic; antiviral; antibacterial; immune-boosting; lowers cholesterol; anti-cancer properties; vitamin C-rich; and a diuretic to help flush the system.
Cranberry, Vitamin C-rich, great for the immune system; loaded with phytochemicals; anti-cancer elements; supports those with type 2 diabetes; may help diminish cardiovascular disease.
Milk Thistle, Anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; helps with type 2 diabetes; helpful when dealing with menopausal issues.
Burdock Root, Anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; antibacterial; supports healthy skin; promotes a healthy circulatory system; cleanses the blood; an effective digestive aid.
Senna Leaf, Supports healthy elimination; cleanses and detoxifies; encourages a working gastrointestinal tract.
Health Benefits of Zen Cleanse Blend
The thoughtfully selected ingredients in our Zen Cleanse Blend are aimed at assisting the body with detoxifying, while providing a balanced taste sensation that encourages regular drinking while on your mission to heal.

What Does Zen Cleanse Blend Taste Like?
Delicious! That’s what we think you’ll say after you brew your first cup of this remarkably beneficial tea. Not only does the gorgeous crimson draw you in, but with the dominating tanginess of hibiscus and cranberry, you’ll feel further enticed. A smooth, pleasant earthiness is provided by the combination of burdock root, dandelion root, milk thistle, and senna. Spearmint and ginger also create a pleasant accent, one with its coolness, and the other with an invigorating kick. Together, these seemingly uncomplimentary flavors offer an astonishingly delightful blend that is both inviting and stimulating.

How to Make Zen Cleanse Blend
Heat water to 205° to 210°. Let steep 4-8 minutes, realizing this beautiful tea runs on the tangy to tart side. Add a touch of honey, if you like a sweeter tea. Enjoy hot or cold, and drink regularly to keep all the systems of your body running smoothly.

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1 Tasting Note

16741 tasting notes

Can’t remember where I got this tea bag – but at some point I wound up with a sample of it to try…

Weird wellness angle/strategy aside, why this company is choosing to market the cranberry and hibiscus notes in this tea as the featured flavours baffles me because sipping on it the notes that are coming to the forefront for me are very much the ginger and herbaceous ingredients like dandelion root and senna leaf. It’s a little bit minty and spearmint-style sweet as well. Sure, there is SOME tartness in terms of flavour from the cranberry but that is 100% not the note I would have picked out as the defining trait of this tea.

Bottom line, though, is that it’s a very gross profile – and I wont be drinking it again, so I’m not going to put any further thought into what the thought process might have been when this company was trying to decide how to describe their teas.


Watch out for that senna ‘zen cleanse’ unless that’s what you were drinking it for.

Roswell Strange

Nope – just one of two blends from this company that I got sent to me at some point. Cleanse teas are just… weird. I think Senna is the last ingredient in this though, so I doubt it’ll end up ‘doing’ much anyway.

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