This is one of my all time favorite teas, but my first time writing up a tasting note with my new steepter account. The cake is whole leaves of a medium size and silvery, loosely packed and easy to break up with a pick. The dry leaves have a soft scent. When rinsed, the scent is slightly astringent and vegetal— an intersection of barnyard, seaweed, and malt but the first sip moves in another direction completely. Still vegetal but warm and buttery without a hint of tannin or astringency, more along the lines of warm uncut grass which resolves into a sweeter, softer cashew flavor. The flavor is reminiscent of traditional white tea, with added depth and complexity on the back end due to the aging process. Broth is a pure honey color—a refined amber that is clarion clear.
Brewed in an 80ml porcelain gaiwan.
Flavors: Cashew, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, Warm Grass