Year of the Rabbit 2023 Yiwu Raw Puer

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Pu'erh Pu'erh (sheng) Blend
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From Bitterleaf Teas

A yearly standard in our spring puer collection, this daily drinker of a tea represents everything an Yiwu tea should be, with a pleasant fragrance, soft character and underlying sweetness.

The overall quality and character of this tea remains consistent year on year, however, each year’s weather still puts its own stamp on things. For those who have picked up our Tiger, Bull, Rat or even earlier pressings, this makes for a great vertical comparison and demonstrates just how much of an impact weather can have on the results.

With 2023 being an exceptionally dry year, this year’s Rabbit produces a soup that is full, but still gentle. The body and texture are quite nice, and bitterness and astringency are kept very low. The initial sweetness leans more towards a sugary quality as well.

Although our 2020 Rat and 2021 Bull also experiences a dry spring, this tea stands out as being more balanced. The flavour is dense and unique, but with less bitterness, making it most similar to the 2018 Dog, which up until now was our favourite pressing.

Our experience storing this tea over the last 10+ years has been the development of even more noticeable honey and fruit notes within 3-5 years.

In previous years (2017-2018) we tested this tea against the EU Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) of 191 and 440+ pesticides, both passing with ease. Although this particular year’s tea has not been tested, the tea is from the same land and our confidence in this tea and relationship with the farmer remains strong. If you would like a copy of the lab results for previous years, please contact us.

This year’s wrapper features artwork by Minneapolis based artist, DC Ice. Make sure to check her out on Instagram, and more of her awesome work here.

Picking period: 1st and 2nd flush, March 20-30

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2 Tasting Notes

16025 tasting notes

Grandpa Style!

This year’s Spring tea order arrived in record time, so now I have even more teas to add to the ever growing list of recently acquired cakes and samples that need tasting – not that I’m complaining, of course. More teas to try is NEVER a problem!

Though my Spring BLT order is usually very sheng heavy I was a bit more selective this year with which samples I grabbed. Of course I got my reliable haul of Yiwu and Jingmai productions though, and I’ve already dipped into my Year Of The Rabbit cake. It was soft yet flavourful with more of the sweet and fruity notes that I’ve always loved from yiwu productions. As BLT notes themselves, the last few year’s pressings have had a bit more bite to them due to weather conditions. All still delicious, of course. However, based on this first impression I do feel this sort of ‘return’ to some of the earlier teas in the YOT series and I liked the familiarity of the tea a lot!

Tea Photos:

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