Bubble Tea

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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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From Asia City

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1 Tasting Note

16967 tasting notes


So, one of the vendors at C4 this year was Asia City – a local to Winnipeg restaurant that does bubble tea, among other food items. Of course I’m not from Winnipeg so I have no familiarity with them, I was just happy to see bubble tea available for purchase so I had something to sip on which we walked through artist alley.

I opted for the lychee flavour of tea; something generally reliable that I really enjoy! Then, I had the option of traditional tapioca pearls or a flavoured topping/jelly. I went for the flavoured, and keeping in line with with the tropical fruit choice I’d already picked I decided to go for the pineapple jelly.

It actually tasted really good! Very sweet though, and quite juice like. You wouldn’t really know it was tea and not just fruit juices – but that can be said for most bubble tea, anyway. Plus, it was delicious and to me, at least, that’s the most important quality it could have. Taste above everything else. I actually really, really liked the taste of the pineapple jelly that I’d picked out – BUT I hated that it was cut into these tiny little rectangular slivers – they didn’t suck up at all! So, by the time I was finished the tea half of them were still in the bottom of the cup. That was kind of disappointing…

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