Raspberry Iced Tea

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Black Green Blend
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From Arizona

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6 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

The other flavour I ended up getting at the liquidation sale. This one is ok. I still prefer the original lemon flavour though. This one is quite sweet, it is definitely raspberry tasting. I know it says it is all natural flavouring but it doesn’t taste like natural raspberry. That being said it is not a bad raspberry taste. It is definitely thirst quenching. The actual tea base is quite hidden by the raspberry flavour but it is still present, smooth and cold as always.


I always try to snag the honey/ginseng and apple/ginseng whenever they went on sale, but it appears that they may not even carry the latter anymore. Oh well.

Maybe by natural raspberry they mean castoreum, because technically, I guess you can say the flavouring is “natural.” :/


Ha ha, so true about the “natural” flavouring. I have never tried the Arizona ginseng teas, but I am not a huge fan of the taste of ginseng so that is what keeps me avoiding them. I know you can buy crates of the honey ginseng at Costco (my local one anyway). I have never seen the apple ginseng one.

As a side note, there is a ridiculous new “reality” tv show called Appalachian Outlaws about people who (somewhat illegally) harvest ginseng in the US. HA!


From memory, I don’t even think you can taste the ginseng in them, but I guess it depends on how sensitive you are to it. In both, I taste mostly the tea and the sweetness from the honey or apple.

Oh, I heard about that show! Sounds like a great way to waste time haha.

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123 tasting notes

Continuing my exploration of grocery store iced teas with another can of Arizona. This time it’s the classic Raspberry flavor.

The second ingredient after ‘black tea’ is high fructose corn syrup. “Raspberry flavor” doesn’t appear until the very end of the list. This must be why the drink feels so heavy and sticky on the tongue. It isn’t so much a refreshing drink as a cloying one. It’s rather concentrated, so I imagine it would taste a lot better with some ice cubes tossed in. But that would require getting ice, and then pouring the drink into a glass, and meh. Too much effort.

At least this tastes like a tea, albeit a not particularly great one. The “Half Iced Tea & Half Mango” drink I tried yesterday barely had any tea flavor at all, although it had plenty of mango juiciness which made it, overall, more pleasant than the Raspberry.

I can’t believe I used to drink these every few days one summer a few years back. How did I not gain twenty pounds from all the sugar?

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2063 tasting notes

Okay, at first I am not really sure if this is absolutely correct listing; as I just remember it was raspberry flavorued Arizona tea, which I bought while travelling through Germany again. I do think it was only black tea base; but I don’t have bottle anymore so I can’t even check.

Very similar notes to the blueberry one; sweet and flavourful, though of course far away from real raspberries. But they were quite simply noticeable and when cold it was refreshing and nice; when warmed up it was a bit more tannic which I didn’t liked that much.
It’s hard for me saying this, but actually I like Arizona teas more that their German counterparts I have tried so far.


They really are soooo sweet!

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59 tasting notes

Very pleasant, but a little too sweet for regular drinking. I generally prefer Arizona’s canned teas for the value though.

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2291 tasting notes

I kind of randomly got this when I went and bought lunch at work today. It’s ~1.7k round trip, and it was warm, and all the tea I had was warm, and I wanted something cold.

I do like the tea part of this, but the raspberry was somewhat overpowering. It’s also way too sweet for my new taste buds. :) Still, I drank it all over the course of the afternoon. I don’t mind spending the $0.99 for a giant tin of this tea, since it actually tastes like tea.

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392 tasting notes

This tea is okay. I am not the biggest fan of sweetened ice tea but it wasn’t bad.

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